COP 21 side events and exhibits one-stop shop

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Official side events & exhibits

Side events and exhibits were established as a platform for admitted observer organizations that have limited speaking opportunities in the formal negotiations, to engage with Parties and other participants for knowledge sharing, capacity building, networking and exploring actionable options for meeting the climate challenge.

UN agencies, admitted observer organizations and those Parties that partner with observers present their work or foster discussions on key issues, often engaging the audience in a Q&A session. Side events are 90 minutes in duration.

The official side event program for COP 21/CMP 11 contained over 200 events focused on major issues in the Convention process.

Exhibits serve as a platform for observer organizations and Parties to highlight diverse climate change issues at UNFCCC conferences and provide a meeting point for participants. They cover a wide variety of topics and are loosely clustered by thematic groups.

The archives of the full list of side events and exhibits as well as the related materials are available through the link below. Please select the respective conference and click 'Refresh' to access the COP 21/CMP 11 list.


Archives of side events and exhibits


Greening of side events

With a view to reinforcing the greening of the conference, the organizers of all official side events were strongly encouraged by the UNFCCC secretariat to disseminate their side event materials through electronic means only. In order to track the sustainability level of each side event, a 3-level rating was introduced: 'green' (electronic dissemination of materials only), 'orange' (limited number of printed materials combined with electronic dissemination) and 'red' (a lot of leftover printed materials).

Thanks to the exemplary commitment and cooperation of many side event organizers, 78 side events (39% of the total of 202) were rated green. The list of all 'green' side events can be found through the link below.


 Green list of side events


Thematic days and events


Wednesday, 2 December

Farmers' Day (#FarmersDay)
NAMA Fair (#NAMAfair, Facebook)

Thursday, 3 December

Young and Future Generations Day

Friday, 4 December

BINGO Day (#BizCOP21)

Tuesday, 8 December

Gender Day
Africa Day

30 Nov - 11 Dec

 INDC side events


Organizing official side events and exhibits



Pavilions, other and outside events

Besides the official side events coordinated by the UNFCCC secretariat, Parties and observer organizations organized their own events relating to the climate change negotiation process within different Pavilions and outside the conference premises. Some NGOs also held media actions or publicity activities in order to raise public awareness or to communicate with delegates during the sessions. The information on such events and activities is announced hereunder on a request basis.

Program of the Climate Generations Areas

List of authorized publicity actions

Africa Pavilion

China Pavilion

Cities and Regions Pavilion

Climate Summit for Local Leaders, Friday, 4 December (at Paris City Hall)

Cultural Heritage Side Event, Tuesday, 1 December (at La Maison Champs-Elysees)

EU Pavilion

FEDARENE events at Halle Pajol, Paris

German Pavilion

Gulf Cooperation Council Pavilion

Indonesia Pavilion

Interfaith activities

IUCN Pavilion

Japan Pavilion

Netherlands Pavilion

New Nordic Climate Solutions – the Nordic Pavilion at COP21 (Nordic Pavilion schedule)

OECD Programme

Open for Business Hub (App available for Android and iOS)

Peru Pavilion

Republic of Korea Pavilion

Rio Conventions Pavilion

RTCC (Responding to Climate Change) events

Social work, climate change, and risk management, Tuesday, 1 December (at CNAM, Paris)

UNICEF/OECD joint event

U.S. Center

Viet Nam Pavilion

Women and Gender Constituency Pavilion


Climate Change Resources Counter (CCRC)

Admitted observers without an exhibit and exhibitors that have been allocated an exhibit booth for one conference week only were welcome to display their publications at the CCRC. In line with the sustainability efforts for COP 21/CMP 11, only one printed copy of each publication, with a QR code and/or a link to the electronic version of the publication, was accepted. Piles of printed publications were no longer permitted.


Bloggers area

The Bloggers area is a working area for bloggers and online communicators from the observer community. It was located in the Hall 4. There were approximately 80 work spaces, each equipped with a table, chair, a lamp and electrical power connection. In addition, an open wireless network was available.


Contact Side events and exhibits team

The team in charge of the official side events and exhibits as well as the Climate Change Studio can be reached by email at

