Inputs from Parties received during ADP 2.9
  Party Input to Section... Date    .
1 AILAC C [General / Objective] 1 June
2 China D [Mitigation] 1 June
3 United States of America E [Adaptation and loss and damage] 1 June
4 AILAC E [Adaptation and loss and damage] 1 June
5 LMDC G [Technology development and transfer] 2 June
6 European Union F [Finance] 2 June
7 LMDC E [Adaptation and loss and damage] 2 June
8 European Union H [Capacity Building] 2 June
9 European Union E [Adaptation and loss and damage] 2 June
10 China H [Capacity building] 2 June
11 European Union K [Facilitating implementation and compliance] 2 June
12 European Union L [Procedural and institutional provisions] 2 June
13 LMDC J [Time frames and process related to commitments/contributions/Other matters related to implementation and ambition] 3 June
14 New Zealand J [Time frames and process related to commitments/contributions/Other matters related to implementation and ambition] 3 June
15 LMDC L [Procedural and institutional provisions] 3 June
16 G77 and China F [Finance] 3 June
17 AILAC D [Mitigation] 3 June
18 AOSIS D [Mitigation] 3 June
19 LMDC C [General/Objective] 3 June
20 LMDC D [Mitigation] 3 June
21 G77 and China D [Mitigation] 3 June
22 African Group G [Technology development and transfer] 4 June
23 EIG D [Mitigation] 4 June
24 Australia D [Mitigation] 4 June
25 European Union D [Mitigation] (General) (Clustering) 4 June
26 European Union E [Adaptation and loss and damage] (Clustering) 4 June
27 European Union D [Mitigation] (Accounting) (Clustering) 4 June
28 United States of America D [Mitigation] 4 June
29 AILAC E [Adaptation and loss and damage] 4 June
30 European Union D [Mitigation] (Markets) (Clustering) 4 June
31 European Union F [Finance] (Clustering) 4 June
32 Bolivia D [Mitigation] 4 June
33 Turkey F [Finance] 4 June
34 G77 and China E [Adaptation and Loss and Damage] 5 June
35 EIG F [Finance] 5 June
36 EIG F [Finance] 5 June
37 Australia, Canada, Japan, New Zealand and the United States of America F [Finance] 5 June
38 European Union J [Time frames] (Clustering) 5 June
39 LMDC J [Time frames] (Clustering) 5 June
40 AILAC J [Time Frames] 5 June
41 African Group I [Transparency of action and support] 5 June
42 European Union I [Transparency of action and support] (Clustering) 5 June
43 European Union Workstream II 5 June
44 Umbrella Group Workstream II 5 June
45 Australia, Canada, Japan, New Zealand, Norway and United States of America E [Adaptation and Loss and Damage] 5 June
46 Australia K [Facilitating implementation and compliance] 6 June
47 LMDC D [Mitigation] 6 June
48 G77 and China E [Adaptation and Loss and Damage] 6 June
49 Coalition for Rainforest Nations D [Mitigation] 6 June
50 AILAC I [Transparency of action and support] 6 June
51 LMDC D [Mitigation] 6 June
52 Bolivia F [Finance] 6 June
53 LMDC I [Transparency of action and support] 6 June
54 European Union K [Facilitating implementation and compliance] 6 June
55 LMDC K [Facilitating implementation and compliance] 6 June
56 Coalition for Rainforest Nations I [Transparency of action and support] 6 June
57 AILAC D [Mitigation] 6 June
58 LMDC D [Mitigation] 7 June
59  EIG Workstream II 8 June
60 G77 and China E [Adaptation and loss and damage] 8 June
61 AOSIS Workstream II 8 June
62 AILAC J [Time Frames] 8 June
63 African Group  D [Mitigation] 9 June
64 AILAC K [Facilitating implementation and compliance] (new version of earlier input: 6 June) 9 June
65 G77 and China  Workstream II 9 June
66 African Group C [General/Objective] 10 June
67 LMDC C [General/Objective] 10 June
68  European Union Workstream II 11 June
69   G77 and China E [Adaptation] 11 June
