Preguntas frecuentes - Diálogos sobre el clima 2020

This is an alphabetically sorted compilation by topic of answers to some of the most frequently asked questions on the Climate Dialogues. More information on the Dialogues is available from the main Climate Dialogues web page. Individual event web pages, with additional information on each event, can be accessed from the Dialogues daily schedule..

We are aware that participants may be experiencing difficulties with some parts of the virtual conference center system and registration process.

Please use the chat section in the bottom right hand corner of this page to speak directly with a technical staff during Bonn time business hours.



Have any documents been prepared for the Dialogues?

Informal documents have been prepared under the guidance of the Chairs of the subsidiary bodies to provide more information for some of the events taking place during the Climate Dialogues. They can be found on the individual event web pages accessible from the Dialogues daily schedule.

Where can I find a list of the events at the Climate Dialogues?

The schedule and list of events can be found in the Climate Dialogues daily schedule. Individual event web pages, with additional information on each event, can be accessed from the schedule.

How can I take part in a particular event?

Please see the section on participation and the section on registration.

What kind of events will take place at the Climate Dialogues?

Formal negotiations and decision-making will not take place at the Dialogues.

The Dialogues will include mandated events, constituted body events, informal consultations between Parties and the presiding officers, and information events (see the tentative schedule of events). In addition, within the framework of the Climate Dialogues, partner organizations will organize special events outside the virtual conference site (see special events).

Will any Climate Dialogues events be interpreted into additional languages?

Interpretation into additional languages will be available for a limited number of events. Given the significant additional technical and organizational requirements created by interpretation, the large number of events and the limited time available to prepare for the events, it was not possible to provide interpretation at all events.

How will accredited observers be engaged in the Climate Dialogues?

See the section on participation.

Who can participate in the Climate Dialogues?

Active participation (ability to request the floor and speak at a meeting) is reserved for Party and observer constituency delegates nominated by their respective focal points in the Official Registration System, and invited experts (see the section on registration).

Most events will be broadcast and can be viewed by those who register for access to the virtual conference site.

I am a student/writer/scientist/interested member of the public and would like to participate in the Climate Dialogues. How can I do that?

Most Climate Dialogues events will be broadcast on the virtual conference site. In some cases, a chat/Q&A function will allow viewers to ask questions during live broadcasts. Broadcasts will also be available on demand.

Visitors will be able to not just view broadcasts but also network with other participants and visit exhibition booths.

The ability to request the floor and speak at a meeting is reserved for Party and observer constituency representatives and invited experts.

See also the section on registration.

How can I obtain media accreditation for the Dialogues?

Press and media representatives can register for access to the virtual conference site in order to view event broadcasts, take part in question and answer sessions, etc..

How do the Climate Dialogues relate to the Race to Zero initiative?

The Race To Zero campaign is organizing Race to Zero Dialogues from 9 to 19 November 2020 to reflect on progress in mitigation and adaptation made by non-Party stakeholders during a challenging 2020, and to create enabling conditions for systemic transformation, including through the enhancement of nationally determined contribution and the elaboration of long-term low-emission development strategies. The Race to Zero Dialogues will serve as critical input to the Climate Dialogues.

How do I register for the Climate Dialogues?

  1. For active participation in the events (ability to request the floor and speak at a meeting): Parties and observer constituencies have been invited to register for the Climate Dialogues using the Official Registration System. Experts from intergovernmental organizations will be invited to take part in specific events in line with the nature of those events (see the section on participation).
  2. After registration in the Official Registration System closes on 16 November, registered participants will be emailed instructions on how to ensure they can access the events they are registered for.
  3. The virtual conference site is accessible to all upon registering. You should receive a confirmation email from, instructing you to activate your profile, within a few hours.
    The platform will allow visitors to watch events, engage via question and answer sessions and network with other visitors. This is separate from the active participant registration. Party, observer State and observer constituency representatives who will be actively participating in the events should also register for access to the virtual conference site if they wish to watch events.

If after registering you have experienced issues activating your profile and visiting the virtual conference site because you couldn’t find the email with the activation link or the link didn’t work, or you simply haven’t had the chance to activate your profile and visit the site, these instructions will help you join the Climate Dialogues (if you’ve already set your password and can access the site, please ignore this):

  • Go to  (for best results, use Chrome or Firefox; do not use Internet Explorer)
  • You should see the following:

  • Click on “Forgot your password?”
  • Type in the email you used to register for the Climate Dialogues and click on “Reset”
  • You will receive an email from (do check your junk/spam folder if you can’t find it in your inbox). It will look like this:


  • Click on “CLICK HERE”. You will then see a screen with the following:


  • Set your password (at least eight characters with at least one number and one upper-case and one lower-case letter; no special characters), repeat it in the second field and click on “Submit”
  • You will then once again see the Sign in screen shown under step 2 above. Type in the email address you registered with and the password you just set.
  • You’re now in! You should see the lobby:


  • Watch events (easiest to find events in the calendar accessible at top right), connect with other participants and check out the expo booths – wishing you a good virtual conference!

How much does registration cost?

All registration formalities are free of charge.

How do the Climate Dialogues relate to the work of the UNFCCC subsidiary and governing bodies?

The Climate Dialogues will provide Parties to the UNFCCC and other stakeholders the opportunity to continue exchanging views and sharing information to advance work and maintain momentum in the intergovernmental climate change process.

The Chairs of the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA) and the Subsidiary Body of Implementation (SBI) are launching the Dialogues in collaboration with the COP 25 Presidency and incoming COP 26 Presidency and with the support of the UNFCCC secretariat.

The Climate Dialogues will showcase progress made in 2020, including technical work under the UNFCCC constituted bodies. They will also provide a platform to enable progress in implementation of other activities under the Convention mandated for 2020, including on reducing greenhouse gas emissions, adapting to the effects of climate change, science, finance, technology, capacity-building, transparency, gender, Action for Climate Empowerment (ACE), and the preparation and submission of updated national climate action plans known as nationally determined contributions (NDCs) that are due to be submitted by the end of this year.

The Dialogues will also identify any further action that the SBSTA and SBI Chairs could take to help Parties prepare to engage effectively in the work of the subsidiary bodies at the sessions in 2021, thereby paving the way for a successful COP 26 in Glasgow.

Due to the virtual nature of the conference, a computer, laptop, tablet or internet capable smartphone is required to follow meetings.
Participation may require installation of certain free softwares, a web camera and microphone.

The virtual conference center is best viewed using an up-to-date version the following web browsers: Firefox, Chrome, Edge, Safari. Please note that Internet Explorer browser is not compatible.
Registration is currently not possible from mobile browsers, this will include tablets. If possible, switch to the desktop mode of your browser when registering for the virtual conference center system.

Once you register in the virtual conference platform, you will receive an email with further details. Please note that confirmation emails do not come instantaneously, but you should receive confirmation within a few hours.

Preparing your participation at the Climate Dialogues? Watch the video below for some useful tips to make the most of your audio and video set-up:

