Workshops and side events on research and systematic observation

Workshops and side events under the research and systematic observation agenda




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10-12 July 2019 WMO GCOS/WIGOS Caribbean Workshop on Observations for Climate and Meteorology Belize City, Belize more on GCOS website >>
31 October -
2 November 2018
Joint GCOS/ Copernicus/ WIGOS/ GFCS Workshop: Improving the value chain from observations to climate services to support climate policy, adaptation and mitigation in East Africa Entebbe, Uganda more on GCOS website >>
9-12 October 2017 Joint GCOS – WMO Integrated Global Observing System Workshop for the Pacific Small Island Developing States (SIDS) Nadi, Fiji more on GCOS website >>
10-12 February 2015 Enhancing observations to support preparedness and adaptation in a changing climate - Learning from the IPCC 5th Assessment Report.
Workshop by GCOS in collaboration with IPCC and UNFCCC
Bonn, Germany more >>
13 November 2013 UNFCCC side event at COP 19:
Dialogue with the systematic observation community on activities relevant to the Convention
Warsaw, Poland more >>

24-25 October 2013

UNFCCC Research workshop on technical and scientific aspects of ecosystems with high-carbon reservoirs not covered by other agenda items under the Convention

Bonn, Germany


2 December 2011

UNFCCC research side event at COP 17: Updates from climate change science - Special focus Africa

Durban, South Africa


1 December 2011 UNFCCC side event at COP 17:
Funding for climate observation
Durban, South Africa more >>

2-3 June 2011, SBSTA 34

Workshop on research, SBSTA 34

Bonn, Germany


2 December 2010

UNFCCC side event at COP 16 on climate change research - updated information on emerging scientific findings and research outcomes

Cancun, Mexico


5 June 2008

SBSTA 28 Informal discussion on developments in research activities

Bonn, Germany


8 May 2007

SBSTA 26 Informal discussion on a more effective dialogue between Parties and regional and international climate change research programmes and organizations

Bonn, Germany


19 May 2006

SBSTA 24 Special side event on research needs relating to the Convention

Bonn, Germany


