Databases - Adaptation and resilience

This page contains databases in matters relating to the Adaptation Committee, Nairobi Work Programme, to the LDC Expert Group and Loss & Damage.

Adaptation Committee

Database title


Regional Centres and Networks

Activity 6 of the Adaptation Committee's (AC's) work plan requested the secretariat to compile a list of regional centres and networks working on adaptation. The AC is making this list available as part of its work on ways to strengthen the roles of regional institutions and UN agencies in supporting enhanced adaptation action in developing countries


Nairobi work programme

Database title


Compendium on Methods & Tools (now included in the Adaptation Knowledge Portal)

Provides key information on available frameworks, methods and tools, and their special features. It is designed to assist Parties and other potential users in selecting the most appropriate methodology for assessments of impacts and vulnerability, and preparing for adaptation to climate change

Database on ecosystem-based approaches to Adaptation (now included in the Adaptation Knowledge Portal)

An initiative under the Nairobi work programme to provide examples of ecosystem-based approaches to adaptation, supplementing information to FCCC/SBSTA/ 2011/INF.8, mandated by the SBSTA at its thirty-fourth session under the Naiorbi work programme

Database on best practices and available tools for the use of indigenous and traditional knowledge and practices for adaptation (now included in the Adaptation Knowledge Portal)

Case studies on best practices and available tools for the use of indigenous and traditional knowledge and practices for adaptation as inputs for the technical paper mandated in paragraph 17of FCCC/SBSTA/2013/3.

Database on the application of gender-sensitive approaches and tools for understanding and assessing impacts, vulnerability and adaptation to climate change(now included in the Adaptation Knowledge Portal)

Case studies on the application of gender-sensitive approaches and tools for understanding and assessing impacts, vulnerability and adaptation to climate change as inputs for the technical paper mandatedin paragraph 17 of FCCC/SBSTA/2013/3.

NWP Adaptation practices interface (now included in the Adaptation Knowledge Portal)

A web-based interface providing information on exisiting adaptation practices, requested by SBSTA (FCCC/SBSTA/2006/11) (paragraph 59)) and updated for the thirtieth session of the SBSTA

NWP Partners and Pledges database (now included in the Adaptation Knowledge Portal)

Provides easy-to-access resources on:

  • All Nairobi work programme partners

  • Action pledges for adaptation practices made to the Nairobi work programme by partners as well as updates of the results of action under these pledges

  • Adaptation experts, as identified by partners under the Nairobi work programme

Private Sector Initiative - database of action on adaptation

Online database featuring good practices and profitable climate change adaptation activities being undertaken by private companies

UNFCCC Local coping strategies database (now included in the Adaptation Knowledge Portal)

Provides detailed information on long-standing coping strategies/mechanisms, knowledge and experience from communities that have had to adapt specific hazards or climate conditions. This can help communities that may just be starting to experience such conditions, as a result of climate change

NWP partner's resources 

Further databases by NWP partners can be found here



National Adaptation Programmes of Action - matters relating to the least developed countries / LDC Expert Group

Database title


NAPA Priorities database

The NAPA Priorities database pages presents the list of ranked priority adaptation activities and projects, as well as short profiles of each activity or project, designed to facilitate the development of proposals for implementation. Projects are also arranged by sector

LDCF/NAPA Projects

The LDCF/NAPA Projects database provide updated information on the status of implementation of NAPA projects under the LDCF

UNFCCC Local coping strategies database (now included in the Adaptation Knowledge Portal)

Provides detailed information on long-standing coping strategies/mechanisms, knowledge and experience from communities that have had to adapt to specific hazards or climate conditions. This can help communities that may just be starting to experience such conditions, as a result of climate change


Loss and Damage

Database title


Examples of existing institutional arrangements and measures in addressing loss and damage associated with climate change impacts

Provides information provided by 46 organizations during the summer of 2013 on different ways in which organizations are currently responding to the increasingly challenging risks of loss and damage associated with the adverse effects of climate change

Organizations working on slow onset events and the scope of their current efforts

Maps organizations working on slow onset events - rising temperatures, desertification, loss of biodiversity, land and forest degradation, glacial retreat and related impacts, ocean acidification, sea level rise and salinization, as defined by COP decision 1/CP.16 and the scope of their current efforts
