Detailed rolling work programme of the LEG for 2012-2013


The SBI at its thirty-third session (COP 16) requested the LEG to develop a two-year rolling programme of work for consideration by the SBI at its first sessional meeting of each year, and to report on its work to the SBI at each of its session. The table below presents the detailed activities of the work programme of the LEG for 2012-2013

The pdf version of the detailed LEG work programme is available here


 Expected Result


 Product/Output/ Activity Type


Objective 1. Provide technical guidance and advice for the national adaptation plan (NAP) process Expected result: LDCs have increased their capacities to reduce their vulnerability to climate change, and to integrate adaptation into development planning Develop technical guidelines for the NAP process, arrange a technical review and publish the guidelines Technical guidelines 2012
    Profile LDCs with respect to addressing adaptation through mechanisms under the Convention and other external processes Process, compilation 2012
    Compile and analyse support needs for the NAP process, including through surveys to Parties during the subsidiary body sessions Compilation, survey interviews and analysis 2012
    Compile information on approaches and steps used by different countries in designing medium- and long-term adaptation plans (including those based on the NAPAs) and identify how those can inform the NAP process for LDCs, using a case study approach Compilation, monitoring and analysis 2012-2013
    Identify and communicate experiences, best practices and lessons learned by Parties on the NAP process through the best practices and lessons learned platform under the LDC Portal Information sharing platform  Ongoing
    Conduct regional training and workshops to share information and to develop/enhance human capacity of LDCs for the NAP process, in close collaboration with relevant agencies and regional centres Training workshops 2013
 Objective 2: Support implementation of NAPAs Expected result 1: Advice and technical support for the implementation of NAPAs is provided Conduct regional training workshops to:
- Facilitate the application of new approaches such as the programmatic approach, and the integration of gender and vulnerable communities’ concerns into the implementation of NAPAs;
- Address key concerns related to the access of funds from the LDC Fund; guide revision and update of NAPAs; introduce considerations for medium- and long-term adaptation;
- Serve as a platform for exchanging best practices and lessons learned at the national and regional levels
Regional training workshops 2012-2013
    Prepare training materials for the regional training workshops mentioned above in collaboration with the  GEF and agencies, as well as with other relevant organizations Training materials 2012
    Communicate complementary information to LDCs through regular notes in response to key concerns on accessing resources for implementing NAPAs (such as on accessing resources from the Least Developed Countries Fund (LDCF)); employing emerging opportunities like accessing resources from multiple GEF funds for implementing NAPA projects; elucidating co-financing; managing adaptation-additionality; identifying baselines; elaborating log frames for common project activities; and new procedures and project templates), in collaboration with the GEF and agencies Regular notes Ongoing
    Continue to invite the GEF and its agencies and relevant organizations and experts to the LEG meetings and workshops in order to facilitate support to the LDCs  Process Ongoing
  Expected result 2: Implementation of NAPA is successfully monitored Continue the dialogue with NAPA Teams (and other relevant stakeholders) on the NAPA and use results to further inform LEG support Dialogue: surveys and interviews Ongoing
    Compile and analyse information on implementation of NAPAs to profile and track status of implementation of each LDC in collaboration with the GEF and its agencies, and other relevant actors Compilation, monitoring and analysis Ongoing
    Assess and analyse the NAPA implementation process to identify measures of success and benchmarks for key steps and expected outcomes Compilation, monitoring and analysis Ongoing
  Expected result 3: Support for monitoring the impact and effectiveness of efforts to address vulnerability is provided Compile relevant existing work on monitoring and evaluation of adaptation efforts, and develop an approach paper for monitoring the effectiveness of efforts to address vulnerability in LDCs Information paper 2012
Objective 3: Support and provide guidance on integration of gender and other considerations regarding vulnerable communities within LDCs Expected result: Access to practical guidance on addressing gender and other considerations of vulnerability in implementing the LDC WP has improved Integrate gender and considerations regarding vulnerable communities in the design and implementation of activities under the LDC work programme, the NAPAs and the NAP process based on the LEG paper on the subject Process Ongoing
    Analyse common vulnerabilities and practical solutions based on the NAPAs and other relevant sources to enrich dissemination of knowledge, best practices and lessons learned in addressing vulnerability and adaptation at different scales Compilation, monitoring & analysis  2012-2013
Objective 4: Support the implementation of the LDC WP Expected result 1: Support to LDCs in implementing the elements of the LDC work programme other than the NAPAs is provided Prepare further specification on each of the elements of the LDC work programme other than the NAPAs, in consultation with the GEF, and report to the SBI 36, with a view to informing the COP on guidance to be provided to the GEF on support for the implementation of the those elements Compilation 2012
     Prepare a joint LEG and GEF paper on the status of implementation of the elements of the LDC work programme other than the NAPAs  Compilation  2012
  Expected result 2: Support to LDCs in establishing or strengthening national institutional arrangements is provided Prepare an options paper on how national climate change secretariats can be established and supported in LDCs according to existing mandates for support under the LDCF (jointly with GEF & agencies)  Technical paper  2012
  Expected result 3: Information sharing on development and transfer of adaptation technologies in LDCs is enhanced Prepare a technical paper on the role and application of technology in the implementation of NAPAs in LDCs Technical paper 2012-2013
  Expected result 4: Capacity of LDCs to collect, analyze, interpret and disseminate weather and climate date to support implementation of NAPAs is strengthened Explore modalities for NAPA adaptation projects to support national data collection and analysis, in conjunction with dialogue with the GEF and agencies and with NAPA Teams Process 2012-2013
  Expected result 5: Enhance regional synergy and synergy with other programmes in support of implementation of the LDC WP  Promote the exchange of information and experiences on how to achieve synergy at the regional level Outreach product Ongoing
    Revise the LEG technical paper on promotion of regional synergy in the implementation of NAPAs and include consideration of other elements of the LDC WP Technical paper 2012-2013
  Expected result 6: Mobilization of relevant organizations, in particular regional centres, for the benefit of the implementation of the LDC wortk programme and capacity development is undertaken Use the LDC Portal as a platform for mobilizing and engaging a wide range of organizations and institutions in supporting the implementation of the LDC and LEG work programmes Network development Ongoing
Objective 5: Provide support to LDC Parties in the preparation, revision and update of NAPAs Expected result 1: Support LDCs, yet to submit a NAPA, in preparing their NAPA is provided to ensure a quick onset of implementation, building upon experiences and lessons learned by other LDCs Closely monitor the preparation process of those LDCs yet to submit a NAPA and provide immediate advice on emerging issues as required, in collaboration with the GEF and its agencies Direct technical support 2012-2013
    For those without a NAPA and an initial national communication, work with the CGE to conduct a special case study on how the two can be developed in a coordinated manner Case study 2012-2013
  Expected result 2: Assistance to LDCs in the update and revision of their NAPA is provided Identify best practices, and lessons learned , and develop updated guidelines for the preparation, revision and update of NAPAs taking into account the need sector-specific and programmatic approaches and  issues related to  medium and long-term adaptation Guidelines 2012-2013
    Communicate best practices and lessons learned from the LDCs that have revised their NAPAs, including expedited ways to do so Outreach product 2012-2013
    Respond to individual requests for support in the preparation, revision and update of NAPAs, including through provision of comments and feedback on draft NAPAs and draft revised and updated NAPAs Direct technical support Ongoing
Objective 6: Outreach on the NAPA and on the work of the LEG ( including knowledge capture, management and dissemination) Expected result: Outputs from the work of the LEG are widely and effectively captured and disseminated to LDCs and others Prepare a publication on best practices and lessons learned in addressing adaptation in LDCs, volume 2 Publication 2012
    Compile and disseminate, through a publication, case studies to identify experiences with methods and tools in components/steps of the NAPA/NAP and other adaptation processes, to help communicate best practices and lessons learned Outreach product  2012
    Conduct in-depth country case studies on LDCs to discern the best practices and lessons learned in areas of the work of the LEG  Case studies 2012-2013
    Prepare an aggregated publication for other outputs of the LEG in 2012 Outreach product 2012-2013
    Enhance the LDC Portal to serve as the main knowledge base for information on the work of the LEG Information sharing platform  Ongoing
    Develop a training and outreach package for use at the national level for local trainers to use in training for stakeholders involved in the NAPA process Outreach product 2012
    Conduct/support side events at the sessions of the SBs/COP sessions and/or other relevant forums to promote exchange of information with Parties on matters relating to LDCs Outreach product Ongoing
Objective 7: Support of coherence and synergy of adaptation related efforts under the Convention Expected result: Work of the LEG is enhanced through cooperation with other bodies under the Convention Identify and leverage national and regional centres and institutions that offer services at the local levels in LDCs such as training and capacity-building, taking into account existing linkages with other local institutions Process 2012
    Update/revise the LEG technical paper on regional synergy as part of the technical guidelines for the NAP process Information paper  2012
    Exchange work programmes and information with relevant bodies under the Convention in order to encourage identification of synergies and best ways to enhance coherence Network development  Ongoing
    Develop linkages with and outreach to other bodies and programmes on the LDC work programme to improve understanding and avoid policies and procedures that unfairly disadvantage access of LDCs to other forms of support (such as the Adaptation Fund, Adaptation Committee and the TEC) for the implementation of the LDC work programme Network development Ongoing
    Invite the CGE to collaborate in case studies on joint preparation of adaptation plans in LDCs that have yet to prepare their initial national communications, to promote synergy and scaling up, and efficiency in addressing planning needs under various activities under the Convention Case study 2012-2013

