Bicycle Projects Can Now Earn Saleable Credits under UN’s Clean Development Mechanism
28 Abril 2018
Bicycles for rent

UN Climate Change News, 28 April 2018 – Projects that increase bicycle use over fossil-fuel-burning vehicles can now earn carbon credits, thanks to a decision taken by the Board that oversees the UN’s Clean Development Mechanism (CDM).

“Bicycles are a great way to get around, and they’re great for reducing the emissions that cause climate change,” said CDM Executive Board Chair Arthur Rolle. “It is practicable to consider rewarding and encouraging bicycle use with saleable, certified emission reduction credits.”

The CDM Board at its 99th meeting here in Bonn approved a new methodology for calculating the volume of emission reductions achieved through projects that establish bicycle lanes, bicycle parking, and bicycle-sharing programmes, encouraging a shift in passenger transport modes from their usual fossil-fuel-burning traffic in favor of clean and green pedal power such as bicycles, three-wheelers or e-bikes.

Transportation of urban passengers accounted for 7 percent of global emissions in 2015. So, efforts to increase bicycle use could result in a significant benefit to the climate, not to mention improve health and well-being.

“Promoting cycling is a practical, healthy way to step up climate action,” said UN Climate Change Executive Secretary Patricia Espinosa. “I applaud the CDM Board for coming up with this methodology and encourage cities, organizations and others to consider setting up cycling projects under the CDM.”

In 2015 in Paris, countries committed to limiting global temperature rise to 2 degrees Celsius and to work towards the safer target of 1.5 degrees Celsius.

Between 2015 and 2050, urban passenger traffic is expected to increase 50 percent, to 5.0 trillion passenger-kilometers, with most of this rise occurring in Asia. Recent studies have shown that increasing cycling’s share of urban travel could negate the climate effects of this increase.

The CDM was established to incentivize projects that reduce emissions and contribute to sustainable development. The ability to earn saleable credits under the mechanism inspired the registration of more than 8,000 projects and programmes in 111 developing countries, everything from clean cookstove projects, to wind power projects, to large industrial gases projects.

Follow the links to read more about low-carbon transport and the impacts and potential for more public transport, walking and cycling with lower car use.  


Photo: Liza on Flickr