

Body Decision Title Versions
CMP 1/CMP.11 Report of the Adaptation Fund Board Arabic Chinese English French Russian Spanish
CMP 2/CMP.11 Clarification of the text in section G (Article 3, paragraph 7 ter) of the Doha Amendment to the Kyoto Protocol Arabic Chinese English French Russian Spanish
CMP 3/CMP.11 Implications of the implementation of decisions 2/CMP.7 to 4/CMP.7 and 1/CMP.8 on the previous decisions on the methodological issues related to the Kyoto Protocol, including those relating to Articles 5.7 and 8 of the Kyoto Protocol, part I; implications Arabic Chinese English French Russian Spanish
CMP 4/CMP.11 Implications of the implementation of decisions 2/CMP.7 to 4/CMP.7 and 1/CMP.8 on the previous decisions on methodological issues related to the Kyoto Protocol, including those relating to Articles 5,7 and 8 of the Kyoto Protocol, part II: implications Arabic Chinese English French Russian Spanish
CMP 5/CMP.11 Training programme for members of expert review teams participating in annual reviews under Article 8 of the Kyoto Protocol Arabic Chinese English French Russian Spanish
CMP 6/CMP.11 Guidance relating to the clean development mechanism Arabic Chinese English French Russian Spanish
CMP 7/CMP.11 Guidance on the implementation of Article 6 of the Kyoto Protocol Arabic Chinese English French Russian Spanish
CMP 8/CMP.11 Methodology for the collection of international transaction log fees in the biennium 2016-2017 Arabic Chinese English French Russian Spanish
CMP 9/CMP.11 Capacity-building under the Kyoto Protocol Arabic Chinese English French Russian Spanish
CMP 10/CMP.11 Technical review in 2016 of greenhouse gas inventories and initial reports for the second commitment period from Parties included in Annex I to the Convention that are also Parties to the Kyoto Protocol Arabic Chinese English French Russian Spanish
CMP 11/CMP.11 Administrative, financial and institutional matters Arabic Chinese English French Russian Spanish
CMP 12/CMP.11 Programme budget for the biennium 2016–2017 Arabic Chinese English French Russian Spanish
CMP Resolution 1/CMP.11 Expression of gratitude to the Government of the French Republic and the people of the city of Paris Arabic Chinese English French Russian Spanish
COP 1/CP.21 Adoption of the Paris Agreement Arabic Chinese English French Russian Spanish
COP 2/CP.21 Warsaw International Mechanism for Loss and Damage associated with Climate Change Impacts Arabic Chinese English French Russian Spanish
COP 3/CP.21 Report of the Adaptation Committee Arabic Chinese English French Russian Spanish
COP 4/CP.21 National adaptation plans Arabic Chinese English French Russian Spanish
COP 5/CP.21 Long-term climate finance Arabic Chinese English French Russian Spanish
COP 6/CP.21 Report of the Standing Committee on Finance Arabic Chinese English French Russian Spanish
COP 7/CP.21 Report of the Green Climate Fund to the Conference of the Parties and guidance to the Green Climate Fund Arabic Chinese English French Russian Spanish
COP 8/CP.21 Report of the Global Environment Facility to the Conference of the Parties and guidance to the Green Climate Fund Arabic Chinese English French Russian Spanish
COP 9/CP.21 Methodologies for the reporting of financial information by Parties included in Annex I to the Convention Arabic Chinese English French Russian Spanish
COP 10/CP.21 The 2013–2015 review Arabic Chinese English French Russian Spanish
COP 11/CP.21 Forum and work programme on the impact of the implementation of response measures Arabic Chinese English French Russian Spanish
COP 12/CP.21 Enhancing climate technology development and transfer through the Technology Mechanism Arabic Chinese English French Russian Spanish
COP 13/CP.21 Linkages between the Technology Mechanism and the Financial Mechanism of the Convention Arabic Chinese English French Russian Spanish
COP 14/CP.21 Capacity-building under the Convention Arabic Chinese English French Russian Spanish
COP 15/CP.21 Terms of reference for the intermediate review of the Doha work programme on Article 6 of the Convention Arabic Chinese English French Russian Spanish
COP 16/CP.21 Alternative policy approaches, such as joint mitigation and adaptation approaches for the integral and sustainable management of forests Arabic Chinese English French Russian Spanish
COP 17/CP.21 Further guidance on ensuring transparency, consistency, comprehensiveness and effectiveness when informing on how allt he safeguards referred to in decision 1/CP.16, appendix I, are being addressed and respected Arabic Chinese English French Russian Spanish
COP 18/CP.21 Methodological issues related to non-carbon benefits resulting from the implementation of the activities referred to in decisio 1/CP.16, paragraph 70 Arabic Chinese English French Russian Spanish
COP 19/CP.21 Extension of the mandate of the Least Developed Countries Expert Group Arabic Chinese English French Russian Spanish
COP 20/CP.21 Technical review in 2016 of greenhouse gas inventories from Parties included in Arabic Chinese English French Russian Spanish
COP 21/CP.21 Administrative, financial and institutional matters Arabic Chinese English French Russian Spanish
COP 22/CP.21 Programme budget for the biennium 2016–2017 Arabic Chinese English French Russian Spanish
COP 23/CP.21 Dates and venues of future sessions Arabic Chinese English French Russian Spanish
COP Resolution 1/CP.21 Expression of gratitude to the Government of the French Republic and the people of the city of Paris Arabic Chinese English French Russian Spanish