2030 Climate Solutions: An implementation roadmap

Over the past years, we have witnessed a groundswell of climate action from non-State actors – businesses, investors, cities and regions, civil society and communities worldwide. Since the Paris Agreement, the High-Level Champions have worked to bring coherence and alignment to this action agenda, giving confidence across sectors and systems that a concerted effort can accelerate the transition towards a net-zero, nature-positive, and climate-resilient future by 2030.

The Global Stocktake is an opportunity to enhance international cooperation, and to strengthen the engagement in the action agenda of governments and real-economy actors. Political signals at the global level can be translated into real-economy transformation, enabled by national legislation.

To support the first Global Stocktake, the High-Level Champions and the Marrakech Partnership have compiled the 2030 Climate Solutions: an Implementation Roadmap. These are a set of solutions framed in specific actions, with insights from a wide range of non-Party stakeholders on effective measures being undertaken that need to be scaled up and replicated as well as current gaps that need to be bridged to halve global emissions, address adaptation gaps and increase the resilience of 4 billion people from vulnerable groups and communities to climate risks by 2030.

This compilation brings together the existing 2030 frameworks and tools developed under the leadership of the High-Level Champions with the Marrakech Partnership including the Climate Action Pathways, 2030 Breakthroughs, Breakthrough Agenda, Sharm-El-Sheikh Adaptation Agenda and Race to Resilience and Race to Zero campaigns into a more coherent implementation roadmap.
