Country page - Maldives

Updated on 9 February 2024



Increasing Temperature,

Sea-level rise,


Insufficient availability and inaccessibility of data

Support bridging data gaps related to coral bleaching, coastal erosion/shoreline changes, and marine biodiversity loss. Facilitate sharing of data across different levels.

Limited knowledge on methods and technology to address loss and damage

Provide support for accessing knowledge on new and improved methods and technologies to address losses and damages from slow onset events, such as sea level rise, groundwater salinization, and coral bleaching.

Access and fund mobilization challenges for existing sources of finance

Provide support in identifying the appropriate existing sources of finance and in accessing and mobilizing funds from these sources.

Technical expertise in design and implementation of effective policies

Provide technical expertise in risk assessment, sea-level rise, disaster risk reduction, disaster preparedness, disaster response, and the development of regulatory frameworks.

Data and information management systems

Provide support in enhancing data management by establishing a data management system that facilitates robust monitoring and evaluation.

Management of sea-level rise

Assist in generating knowledge and conducting research on systematic literature review in sea-level rise risks, consequences, and mitigation at national, regional, and local levels.

Limited capacity of EWS

Improve the early warning system to better predict flooding, sea level rise, and swell waves.

Limited understanding of evaluating L&D

Provide support in assessing both economic and non-economic losses and damages, e.g., to assess and quantify cultural loss and damage.
