UN4NAPs · Leveraging UN-wide support for the formulation and implementation of NAPs

Join us on 5 December, 18:30-20:00, in side event room 4, to hear from country representatives and representatives of UN4NAPs partner organizations as they share their experience of how technical assistance was facilitated through the UN4NAPs initiative and how their work on NAPs in the countries has been advancing.

The event aims to showcase examples of the different categories of support that are being facilitated through the initiative.

Developing countries, especially LDCs and SIDS, are invited to submit their requests for technical assistance to UN4NAPs on an ongoing basis.

UN4NAPs side event flyer COP28

About UN4NAPs

UN4NAPs is a UN-wide rapid technical backstopping initiative for National Adaptation Plans (NAPs), launched in 2021 by the UNFCCC secretariat, in response to mandates for engaging international organizations in support of climate change adaptation.

It offers a platform for countries, initially for Least Developed Countries (LDCs) and Small Island Developing States (SIDS), to communicate their needs for technical assistance on an ongoing basis.

The partnership enables the UN-wide system of organizations and other intergovernmental organizations to respond to technical requests identified by any country that is in the process of formulating or implementing its NAP.

When receiving requests for technical assistance, the UNFCCC secretariat immediately communicates with relevant partners from a roster of more than 50 UN and intergovernmental organizations for a prompt response.

Tentative agenda

Time Title Speakers
18:30-18:45 Welcome, introduction to the session and snapshot of UN4NAPs activities Ms. Angela Wagner, UNFCCC


Lessons learned and impacts along different categories of support

  • Review of draft NAPs

Ms. Emily Fadzai Matingo, Zimbabwe, together with Mr. Carlos Uribe, UNDRR and others


Brief follow-up questions


  • Longer-term capacity development/ engagement with the requesting country;

Presentation by Mr. Amir Delju, WMO

Mr. Edson Nkonde, Zambia, together with Mr. Amir Delju, WMO



Brief follow-up questions



  • Bridging between key stakeholders through facilitated dialogues.

Presentation by Ms. Silvia Mancini, Adaptation Fund

Ms. Fatoumata Sangaré, Guinea, together with Ms. Silvia Mancini, Adaptation Fund


Brief follow-up questions






Wrap-up, closing remarks, and next steps



COP 28

COP 28 is taking place from 30 Nov - 12 Dec 2023 in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. For more information, see here.


UN4NAPs Workshop

9 Dec 2023, 15:00-16:30, UNFCCC Pavilion. The Pavilion is located in the Blue Zone, Zone B2, Building 24.

UN4NAPs workshop flyer COP 28


