Workshop on the work programme on just transition pathways
27 Nov. 2023
15:00h - 19:00h
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
United Arab Emirates
Meeting room 4 (DEC south)
Workshop on the work programme on just transition pathways
27 Nov. 2023
15:00h - 19:00h
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
United Arab Emirates
Meeting room 4 (DEC south)


The Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Paris Agreement (CMA) decided, at its fourth session, to establish a work programme (WP) on just transition for discussion of pathways to achieving the goals of the Paris Agreement outlined in Article 2, paragraph 1, in the context of Article 2, paragraph 2.  The CMA further requested that the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA) and the Subsidiary Body for Implementation (SBI) recommend a draft decision on this matter for consideration at CMA 5, with the work programme to be implemented in a manner that builds on and complements the relevant workstreams under the Convention and the Paris Agreement, including the work programme for urgently scaling up mitigation ambition and implementation.  

At SB 58, the SBSTA and the SBI took note of the constructive discussions held at those sessions under the joint agenda item on matters relating to the work programme referred to in paragraph 1 above and agreed to continue work thereon at SB 59 with a view to recommending a draft decision thereon for consideration and adoption at CMA 4. The SBSTA and the SBI invited Parties to submit via the submission portal views on the work programme and requested the secretariat to prepare a synthesis report on Parties’ submissions with a view to informing Parties’ further discussions on the work programme. A link to the submission page can be found here

The SBSTA and the SBI further requested the secretariat to organize, under the guidance of their Chairs, a workshop to be held before SB 59 on the work programme, to inform further work thereunder, based on the submissions and synthesis report referred to in paragraph 2 above, ensuring broad participation of Parties and observers. They further requested the secretariat to prepare, under the guidance of their Chairs, a summary report on the workshop.