Gender and Climate Change - In-session events - 2022

SB56 information session on gender

At COP 26, Parties recalled that the intermediate review of the progress of implementation of the activities contained in the gender action plan is due at the fifty-sixth session of the Subsidiary Body (SB56) for Implementation in June 2022, invited Parties and other stakeholders to take stock of and map progress and to submit via the submission portal information on the progress of implementation of the activities contained in the gender action plan, areas for improvement and further work to be undertaken, including, as appropriate, information on the multidimensional impacts of the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic on progress, and consideration of other diverse challenges that may impact future implementation of the gender action plan at all levels.

Parties further requested the secretariat to prepare a synthesis report on the submissions. Besides the synthesis report, the secretariat was requested to publish reports on differentiated impacts of climate change, the role of women as agents of change and opportunities for women and compilation of good practices for integrating gender into the work of the constituted bodies, all of which can support Parties in their preparations for the intermediate review that will take place at SB56.

Please also note that the synthesis report and compilation on good practices for integrating gender into the work of the constituted bodies, and the informal report on the role of NGCCFPs are published in our documents webpage.

To provide further information on what can be expected on gender at SB56, the secretariat organised a virtual information session. Recordings are available below.

English -floor language-

Available also in Spanish and French

Gender at SB 56

Parties at SB56 initiated the intermediate review of the progress of implementation of the activities contained in the gender action plan of the enhanced Lima work programme on gender. Parties also agreed to continue consideration thereof at its fifty-seventh session (November 2022). Draft conclusions document is published in the UNFCCC gender documents page
