NAMAs: The Intergovernmental Process

Technical Support for NAMAs

NAMA Registry

About NAMAs


SBI Work Programme to Further the Understanding of the Diversity of NAMAs

SBI Workprogramme SB39   | SBI Workprogramme SB40

COP 18 established a two-year work programme to further the understanding of the diversity of NAMAs. This programme considers:

  • Underlying assumptions and methodologies, sectors and gases covered, global warming potential values used and estimated mitigation outcomes;
  • Needs for financial, technology and capacity-building support, as well as support available and provided, access modalities and related experience gained;
  • The extent of the matching of mitigation actions with financial, technology and capacity building support under the registry 

NAMAs Under the AWGLCA

To understand their diversity and underling assumptions, a series of workshops was organized during the AWGLCA. Reports of these workshops and presentations made by Parties can be found in the following links:

First workshop | Second workshop | Third workshop | Fourth workshop

The NAMA Registry

The Conference of Parties (COP), at its sixteenth session, decided to set up a registry to record nationally appropriate mitigation actions (NAMAs) seeking international support, to facilitate the matching of finance, technology and capacity-building support with these actions, and to recognize other NAMAs.

Participation is voluntary and only information that has been specifically requested for recording in the NAMA registry is found in this platform.

The NAMA registry has not been designed to perform functions of measurement, reporting and verification of mitigation actions and support. Related information is found under National Communications and Biennial Update Reports from Non-Annex I  Parties.
