

Canada is proud and honoured to welcome the world to a landmark event in the global effort to address climate change as, together with the City of Montreal, it hosts the United Nations Climate Change Conference from November 28 to December 9, 2005.

Montreal 2005 is expected to bring as many as 10,000 people to the city, including delegates, official observers from government, industry, business, the scientific community, and other groups interested in action on climate change. The parallel events are expected to attract 2,000 to 3,000 people alone, and up to 1,000 journalists from around the world will cover the conference - in all, one of the largest meetings ever held in Canada, and the largest non-sporting event in Montreal since EXPO 67.

The secretariat of the Climate Change Convention and the Government of Canada are coordinating their web sites for Montreal 2005.  Together, this effort will provide a comprehensive collection of information and web services for conference participants and the public. 

The Montreal 2005 web site, managed by the Government of Canada, provides general information about the United Nations Climate Change Conference and details about parallel events and activities called 'A World of Solutions'.  Here is an outline of the content that you will find on this web site.

Montreal 2005 Logo

The logo of the United Nations Climate Change Conference is intended for use by official delegations and Conference partners. If you wish to use this logo, please visit Canada's outreach site.
