COP 26 / CMP 16 / CMA 3 Ministerial consultations

This space was used by the COP 26 Presidency to provide information on the ministerial consultations held during the conference.

Advanced unedited versions of COP 26 / CMP 16 / CMA 3 decisions can be found 

In keeping with longstanding UNFCCC tradition, the President invited pairs of Ministers to lead informal consultations on outstanding issues benefitting from political guidance. In choosing Ministers to undertake this important task, the President tried to ensure a balanced representation; not only among developed and developing countries but also gender balance.

The consultations by the Ministers will be carried out through informal meetings to allow for maximum flexibility. The Ministers may wish to issue informal documents under their own authority, should they feel this will help and they have been asked to work towards rapidly progressing on texts that reflect consensus, underlining that the mode and pace of work must push work forward.

Our common objective is to adopt consensus decisions and conclusions on Friday that will constitute the comprehensive, ambitious and balanced outcome of the Glasgow sessions.

Week 2 COP 26 / CMP 16 / CMA 3 Ministerial consultations

Issue Facilitator and secretariat support Update and Document

Mitigation and the issue of keeping 1.5°C within reach


His Excellency Mr. Simon Stiell, Minister for Climate Resilience and the Environment (Grenada) and
His Excellency Mr.Dan Jannik Jørgensen, Minister of Climate and Energy and Utilities (Denmark)

Supported by
Mr.Conor Barry
Mr. Vintura Silva

13 Nov 2021
Draft proposal by the President on 1/CP.26

Draft proposal by the President on 1/CMP.16

Draft proposal by the President on 1/CMA.3


Her Excellency Ms. Aminauth Shauna, Minister of Environment (Maldives) and 
Her Excellency Ms.Teresa Ribera, Vice-President and Minister of Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge (Spain)

Supported by
Mr.Motsomi Maletjane

13 Nov 2021
Draft proposal by the President on COP AC

Draft proposal by the President on CMA AC

Draft proposal by the President on CMA GGA

Article 6 of the Paris Agreement

Article 6
His Excellency Mr. Espen Barth Eide, Minister of Climate and the Environment (Norway) and
Her Excellency Ms. Grace Fu, Minister for Sustainability and the Environment (Singapore)

Supported by 
Ms. Amy Steen
Mr. Perumal Arumugam

13 Nov 2021
Draft proposal by the President on CMA 6.2

Draft proposal by the President on CMA 6.4

Draft proposal by the President on CMA 6.8

Common time frames

Her Excellency Ms. Jeanne d'Arc Mujawamariya, Minister of Environment (Rwanda) and
Her Excellency Ms. Simonetta Sommaruga, Minister of the Environment, Transport, Energy and Communications (Switzerland)

Supported by 
Mr. Roman Payo
Ms. Karin Simonson

13 Nov 2021
Draft proposal by the President on CMA CTF


Her Excellency Ms. Yasmine Fouad, Minister of Environment (Egypt) and 
His Excellency Mr. Per Bolund, Minister for Environment and Climate, and Deputy Prime Minister (Sweden)

Supported by
Mr. Yolando Velasco
Mr. Marenglen Gjonaj

13 Nov 2021
Draft proposal by the President on COP on LTF

Draft proposal by the President on CMA NCQG

Loss & Damage 

Her Excellency Ms. Carole Dischbourg, Minister for the Environment, Climate and Sustainable Development (Luxembourg) and 
His Excellency Mr. Pearnel P. Charles Jr, Minister of environment and climate change (Jamaica)

Supported by
Ms. Miwa Kato

12 Nov 2021
Draft proposal by the President on COP WIM

11 Nov 2021
Draft proposal by the President on CMA WIM

Enhanced Transparency Framework

His Excellency Mr. Molwyn Joseph Minister of Health and the Environment (Antigua & Barbuda) and 
His Excellency Mr.James Shaw, Minister for Climate Change and Associate Minister for the Environment (Biodiversity) (New Zealand)

Supported by
Ms. Xuehong Wang
Mr. Jigme

13 Nov 2021
Draft proposal by the President on COP CGE

Draft proposal by the President on CMA ETF


Her Excellency Ms. Andrea Meza, Minister of Environment and Energy (Costa Rica)

Supported by
Ms. Korinna Von Teichman

12 Nov 2021
The Minister is continuing her consultations with other Ministers and the outcomes will be reflected in the draft decisions listed above.

