Third NWP expert group meeting on biodiversity and climate change adaptation, 30 September 2021

30 September 2021, 14:00 – 15:30 CET

Central idea

The NWP expert group on biodiversity and climate change adaptation (emphasizing forest and grassland ecosystems) can strengthen action on this thematic area under the UNFCCC process. The NWP expert group can help address key biodiversity-climate change gaps through collaboration among expert group members, UNFCCC constituted bodies and other thematic groups of the NWP, among other communities of practice.

Intention of the third expert group meeting

In this third meeting, we will discuss progress on actions to address knowledge gaps that were identified in the scoping paper and the opportunities to present this thematic work at COP 26, including at the 14th Focal Point Forum of the NWP on biodiversity and climate change adaptation.

Key elements to consider for our actions include the opportunity to work with the secretariat of the CBD and CCD to enhance synergies in meeting global commitments on land, climate change, and biodiversity conservation and sustainable use. At the same time, we hope to strengthen our engagement with UNFCCC National Focal Points and continue to support the work of constituted bodies such as the Least Developed Countries Expert Group on adaptation matters to implementation the Paris Agreement.

Meeting objectives:

  1. Review the vision of our work and progress made including the scoping and briefing papers and develop a collective coherence on the outreach strategy and media kit.
  2. Refine a vision for the expert group going forward into 2025 and seek ways to motivate engagement
  3. Discuss updates on each of the actions from the leads and co-leads, with inputs from external partners
  4. Inputs from NWP thematic group experts to further advance the actions.
  5. Update on the Focal Point Forum and other events.


Time Agenda Item Lead/Facilitator Objective
5 min

Intro & recap of thematic area process

Koko Set the scene
5 min

Updates (COP & scoping paper timelines), overview of agenda

Update on scoping paper and media strategy
Fatema Update on Progress
15 min Beyond COP26 – open dialogue regarding vision for expert group up to 2025 Rojina

Revisit and refine vision of the group; priorities of the vision; criteria for membership, including contribution to actions. Discussion and menti will seek to generate feedback on engagement to-date.

5 min Update on actions a): Synergies GIZ (Mathias)

Update, invite collaboration, provide timelines

5 min Update on actions b): Vulnerable grasslands IUCN (Chris/Jon)
5 min Update on actions c): Gender CIFOR (Houria) with inputs from Tanya (CBD)
5 min Update on actions d): Long-term monitoring UNFCCC (Veronica) with the University of Glasgow
20 min Q&A with other experts Experts Opportunity to provide feedback, answer questions
15 min Open discussion with experts to exchange ideas for outreach and publicizing actions Experts

1. Are you willing to help us publicize actions? How?

2. Any important launch event opportunities?

3. Any capacity for blogging and tweeting? SLYCAN Trust’s tweet session is a nice example

5 min Next steps and thanks Koko Warner  

To stay updated on this work and new thematic resources, visit:  


  • Finding meaningful ways to support developing countries to meeting the adaptation priorities laid out in their NAPs and NDCs to build resilience of biodiversity and climate change, with an emphasis on forest and grassland ecosystems.
  • Linking existing initiatives and promoting coherence to ensure a common narrative and effective outcomes for the biodiversity-climate nexus.
  • Expanding outreach to cover partners and institutions who might not have adequate representation and participation in the UNFCCC process to ensure an inclusive approach.
  • Build synergies with relevant processes both under and outside of the Convention.

What is the role of the NWP and the expert group on the biodiversity and climate change adaptation?

The SBSTA mandated the NWP to prioritize the theme of biodiversity and climate change adaptation, with an emphasis on forest and grassland ecosystems. In partnership with the NWP expert group, the secretariat is co-designing and implementing actions particularly in support of scientific knowledge needs for developing countries, while also collaborating with the constituted bodies under the UNFCCC process.

Organization Name of Expert
Global Water Partnership  (GWP) South Africa Loreen Katiyo
The Center for People and Forests (RECOFTC) Ronnakorn Triraganon
Adelphi Kathrin Ludwig
The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)

Ali Raza Rizvi

Emily Goodwin

ASEAN Centre for Biodiversity

Theresa Mundita S. Lim/ James Santiago

Carlo M. Carlos

ICIMOD Nakul Chettri
Acclimatise Amanda Rycerz
The Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) Alexander Shestakov

Association des Femmes Peules Autochtones du Tchad (AFPAT) 

Hindou Oumar

Balkisou Buba

World Business Council for Sustainable Development David Bennell
Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) Houria Djoudi
National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) Jusper Omwega
PlanAdapt Jesse DeMaria-Kinney
Wetlands International Hans Schutten
The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)

Michele Poletto

Suyeon Yang

Instituto Nacional de Ecologia y Cambio Climatico, Mexico (INECC)

Margarita Caso

The South African National Biodiversity Institute (SANBI)

Mandy Barnett

Center for Development Research (ZEF), University of Bonn

Alisher Mirzabaev

University of Pennsylvania

Michael Weisberg


Matthias De Beenhouwer

IPBES Josef Settele
Indigenous Women's Biodiversity Network (IWBN) Viviana Figueroa
International Institute for Environment & Development (IIED) Hannah Reid
University of Glasgow Fabrice Renaud

The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH (GIZ)

Mathias Bertram

Ulrich Kindermann
