2020-2021 budget preparation process

To enhance their understanding and ensure informed decision-making, the secretariat engaged proactively with Parties on the development of the UNFCCC programme budget for 2020–2021 well in advance of SBI 50, when the proposed programme budget document was presented for their consideration.

The engagement with Parties included two briefing sessions for groups of Parties, at which the secretariat presented an introductory summary of the proposed UNFCCC programme budget for 2020–2021, followed by a workshop at which an advanced version of the budget proposal was presented and feedback invited on the overall approach, format and budget levels.

The following events were held:

  • On 18 February 2019, an initial briefing for the following groups: Group of 77 and China; the African Group; the Independent Association for Latin America and the Caribbean; the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America – Peoples’ Trade Treaty; the Alliance of Small Island States; the Arab Group; Brazil, South Africa, India and China; the Coalition for Rainforest Nations; the least developed countries; and the Like-minded Developing Countries;
  • On 20 February 2019, an initial briefing for the European Union and its member States, the Environmental Integrity Group and the Umbrella Group;
  • On 25 and 26 March 2019, a workshop open to all Parties, convened by the SBI Chair with the assistance of two co-facilitators. The COP Bureau also met on the margins of the workshop. The workshop was preceded by a meeting of the COP Bureau in the morning of 25 March.

These events were held at the seat of the secretariat in Bonn. Those unable to attend on site were enabled to participate remotely.

All information relevant to the development of the UNFCCC budget for 2020–2021, including presentations by the secretariat and additional information material, as well as input or queries from Parties and the secretariat’s responses, were made available on the UNFCCC website.

Information presented at the briefings and the workshop:

Budget presentation February 2019:

Budget workshop 25 and 26 March 2019:

Information provided during SBI 50:

Budget documentation:

Related information:




