Side events
Work of the LEG in supporting the LDCs on adaptation
04 Dec. 2018
18:30h - 20:00h
Katowice, Poland
Narew, International Congress Centre (MCK)
International Congress Centre (MCK)
Side events
Work of the LEG in supporting the LDCs on adaptation
04 Dec. 2018
18:30h - 20:00h
Katowice, Poland
Narew, International Congress Centre (MCK)
International Congress Centre (MCK)

The event will celebrate the key successes made under the LDC work programme since its establishment in 2001, and raise awareness on the updated elements of the work programme to be adopted at COP 24; and to feature the progress made by the LDCs and the support provided to them in advancing National Adaptation Plans.

The programme

  1. Work of the LDC Expert Group in supporting the LDCs on adaptation (by the LEG)
  2. Updates on support to the least developed countries (LDCs) on adaptation

                    a. GCF secretariat

                    b. GEF secretariat

    3. The needs of the LDCs for support (by the LDC Group Chair)

    4. Country Experiences

                 a. Solomon Islands

                 b. Uganda