LEG mandate

COP 26 (2021) extended the mandate of the LEG under its current terms of reference, with the next review to take place at COP 36 (2031). The LEG is henceforth mandated through decisions 29/CP.7, 4/CP.11, 8/CP.13, 6/CP.16, 5/CP.17, 12/CP.18, 3/CP.20, 4/CP.21, 19/CP.21, 16/CP.24, 15/CP.26, 9/CP.27, 10/CP.27 and 11/CMA.1, among others, as follows:


To provide technical guidance and advice on the identification of medium- and long-term adaptation needs, their integration into development planning and the implementation of identified adaptation activities (decisions 6/CP.16, 5/CP.17)

To provide technical guidance and support to the process to formulate and implement NAPs (decision 5/CP.17)

To prepare technical guidelines for the process to formulate and implement NAPs (decision 5/CP.17)

To provide technical guidance and advice on the development of programmes that address both objectives of the process to formulate and implement NAPs (decision 19/CP.21)

To provide technical guidance and advice on the integration of climate change adaptation into national planning (decision 19/CP.21)

To continue to include in its reports, information on the gaps and needs related to the process to formulate and implement NAPs and on how to address them (decision 7/CP.25)

To provide technical guidance and support to the LDCs for advancing the formulation and implementation of NAPs, including in relation to the work on improving their access to funding under the GCF, to build capacity to measure adaptation outcomes, and to enhance linkages among national adaptation plans, national and subnational development plans and strategies, the Sustainable Development Goals and relevant frameworks (decision 15/CP.26)

To consider under its workplan the possibility of creating, as needed, thematic working groups to expand its technical support in specific areas, building on the experience and success of its national adaptation plan technical working group and taking into account the ongoing workload of the Group and its available resources (decision 15/CP.26)

To formulate recommendations on ways to facilitate the mobilization of support for the formulation and implementation of NAPs with a view to addressing the challenges, experienced by developing country Parties in accessing funding and support from the GCF for the formulation and implementation of NAPs, particularly in relation to the submission and review of proposals for funding, and to submit the recommendations to the SCF for consideration (decision 9/CP.27)

To identify the priority gaps and needs of developing countries related to the process to formulate and implement national adaptation plans, the progress of each country in this process and any obstacles and challenges faced (decision 9/CP.27)

To organize training for developing country Parties on addressing identified gaps and needs, which could be held in conjunction with the NAP Expo, the Adaptation Forum or other events outlined in the LEG work programme (decision 9/CP.27)

To support knowledge management and outreach in all elements of the process to formulate and implement NAPs, including sharing information on relevant sources of finance for adaptation, including sources other than the UNFCCC Financial Mechanism (decisions 5/CP.17, 12/CP.18, 7/CP.25, 15/CP.26, 9/CP.27)

To enhance the support provided to the least developed countries for aligning national adaptation plans and nationally determined contributions (decision 10/CP.27)

To provide technical guidance and advice on the preparation, revision or update, and on the implementation strategy of national adaptation programmes of action (NAPAs) (decision 29/CP.7)

To advise on capacity-building needs for the preparation and implementation of NAPAs and to provide recommendations, as appropriate (decision 29/CP.7)

To serve in an advisory capacity to the LDCs (decision 8/CP.13)

To assist, as appropriate, the remaining LDC Parties that have not submitted their NAPAs in completing and submitting their NAPAs as soon as possible (request to the Global Environment Facility in collaboration with the LEG) (decision 5/CP.14)

To provide technical guidance and advice on the revision and update of NAPAs to further improve their quality, to facilitate the integration of adaptation actions of LDCs into development planning and to reflect increased adaptation knowledge and changed priorities in the countries, upon request by LDCs (decision 6/CP.16)

To provide technical guidance and advice on the monitoring, revision and implementation of the elements of the LDC work programme other than NAPAs that are relevant to the expertise of the LEG (decision 6/CP.16)

To identify support needs for the process of formulation and implementation of NAPs: (decision 5/CP.17)

To provide technical guidance and advice on needs related to adaptation that may arise from the Paris Agreement and the decisions adopted at COP 21, as determined by Parties (19/CP.21)

The LEG to support, and other relevant bodies and programmes under and outside the Convention and the Paris Agreement, including United Nations entities, to assist with, in accordance with their respective mandates, as appropriate, the implementation of the LDC work programme and to include information on this in their reports, as appropriate (decision 16/CP.24)

To continue considering ways to promote South–South cooperation in the implementation of the LDC work programme (decision 16/CP.24)

To provide technical guidance and advice on accessing funding from the GCF for the process to formulate and implement NAPs in collaboration with the GCF secretariat (decision 19/CP.21)

To consider how to provide more information on accessing funding from the GCF for the process to formulate and implement NAPs and to include such information, as appropriate, in the LEG reports (decision 19/CP.21)

To continue to support the LDCs in understanding the modalities for and ways of accessing relevant sources of financing, capacity-building and technology transfer for adaptation in accordance with the Group’s mandate (15/CP.26)

To continue to collaborate with the SCF on matters relating to access to the GCF and other funds under the Financial Mechanism by the LDCs for funding the process to formulate and implement NAPs (15/CP.26)

To provide technical guidance and advice on strengthening gender-related considerations and considerations regarding vulnerable communities within least developed country Parties (decision 6/CP.16, para. 2(c))

To support the LDCs in integrating gender considerations into the formulation and implementation of NAPs (decision 10/CP.27)

To provide technical guidance and advice on regional approaches to adaptation planning (decision 19/CP.21)

To provide technical guidance and advice on needs related to adaptation that may arise from the 2015 agreement and COP 21 decisions as determined by Parties (decision 19/CP.21)

To assist the LDCs in addressing adaptation-related provisions of the Convention and the Paris Agreement, including the submission and updating of adaptation communications in accordance with decision 9/CMA.1 (decision 15/CP.26)

The secretariat, under the guidance of the Adaptation Committee and the LEG and in collaboration with relevant stakeholders, to prepare synthesis reports every two years starting in 2020 on specific adaptation themes, focusing on relevant lessons learned and good practices in developing country Parties, in the context of the recognition of adaptation efforts of developing country Parties, as referred to in Article 7, paragraph 3, of the Agreement (decision 11/CMA.1)

To contribute by continuing to compile existing methodologies, together with the Adaptation Committee and in collaboration with the SCF, and relevant experts, to the technical work on developing methodologies for reviewing the adequacy and effectiveness of adaptation and support (decision 11/CMA.1)

The LEG, the Adaptation Committee and other relevant bodies under the Convention to include information in their reports on how they have responded to the requests made in decision 5/CP.17 and on their activities relevant to the process to formulate and implement NAPs, as per their respective mandates, and to make recommendations accordingly (decision 5/CP.17);

To support knowledge management and outreach in all elements of the process to formulate and implement NAPs, including sharing information on relevant sources of finance for adaptation, including sources other than the UNFCCC Financial Mechanism (decisions 5/CP.17, 12/CP.18, 7/CP.25, 15/CP.26, 9/CP.27)

The secretariat, consistent with Article 8 of the Convention, to collect, compile and synthesize information needed by the SBI to monitor and evaluate the progress made on the NAP process, drawing upon information in accordance with paragraphs 32–35 of decision 5/CP.17: (decision 5/CP.17, para. 36)

To collaborate with other constituted bodies under the Convention, including by inviting members of these bodies to participate, as appropriate, in its meetings: (LEG decision 19/CP.21);

To invite the Green Climate Fund secretariat to its meetings, as appropriate: (LEG decision 19/CP.21);

To continue to invite the Global Environment Facility and its agencies to its meetings, as appropriate: (LEG decision 19/CP.21);

To invite the Adaptation Committee and other relevant bodies under the Convention to contribute to the work of the LEG in support of the NAP process, and to report, as appropriate: (decision 5/CP.17);

The TEC, in collaboration with the CTCN, the Adaptation Committee and the LEG, to consider how it can help Parties align their technology needs assessments with the process to formulate and implement NAPs: (decision 3/CP.21, para. 5)

To continue to collaborate with the Adaptation Committee and other constituted bodies working on adaptation, as well as on work under the Nairobi work programme on impacts, vulnerability and adaptation to climate change, in providing support to the least developed countries for the process to formulate and implement national adaptation plans and to include information thereon in its reports to the Subsidiary Body for Implementation (15/CP.26)

To engage a wide range of organizations to support the implementation of its work programme (decision 6/CP.16)

Parties and relevant organizations to continue to assist the LDC Parties, drawing upon the work of, and where appropriate in consultation with, the LEG, in building national institutional arrangements and capacities, and to support scientific and technical capacity needs, as identified by the LDC Parties, for undertaking the process to formulate and implement NAPs (decision 12/CP.18)

To invite representatives of regional centres or networks to its meetings as observers, when appropriate (decision 19/CP.21)

To invite relevant regional centres to nominate one focal point each for the LEG with a view to enhancing collaboration with those centres (decision 19/CP.21)

To invite representatives of global programmes, projects and/or networks that support the process to formulate and implement NAPs to its meetings, as appropriate, as a way to promote the exchange of experiences and lessons learned (decision 19/CP.21)

United Nations organizations, specialized, bilateral and multilateral agencies and other relevant organizations to continue their efforts to coordinate support for the process to formulate and implement NAPs (decision 4/CP.21)

United Nations organizations, specialized, bilateral and multilateral agencies and other relevant organizations to consider the gaps and needs, identified in the reports prepared on this matter, related to the provision of financial and technical support to developing country Parties for the process to formulate and implement national adaptation plans (decision 4/CP.21)

To mobilize more partners to address specific priority needs of the least developed countries (decision 15/CP.26)
