NWP workshop on economic diversification
28 Apr. - 01 May 2009
01:00h - 00:59h
Cairo, Egypt
Grand Hyatt Cairo Corniche El-Nil
NWP workshop on economic diversification
28 Apr. - 01 May 2009
01:00h - 00:59h
Cairo, Egypt
Grand Hyatt Cairo Corniche El-Nil

Cairo, Egypt
28–30 April 2009


The SBSTA requested the secretariat to organize, before SBSTA 30 and under the guidance of the Chair of the SBSTA, a technical workshop on increasing economic resilience to climate change and reducing reliance on vulnerable economic sectors, including through economic diversification, with the participation of representatives from Parties, business, communities, and experts.   The workshop should be held with a view to promoting understanding and the development and dissemination of measures, methodologies and tools for increasing economic resilience, including the understanding of social aspects. It must take into account:

(a) The submissions from Parties and organizations on additional information on examples of measures, methodologies and tools on increasing economic resilience to climate change and reducing reliance on vulnerable economic sectors, including through economic diversification (FCCC/SBSTA/2009/MISC.6);

(b) Previous submissions from Parties and relevant organizations on this matter and the synthesis report thereon (FCCC/SBSTA/2007/MISC.15,  FCCC/SBSTA/2007/MISC.15/Add.1FCCC/SBSTA/2007/14).

The workshop is held under the Nairobi work programme work area of economic diversification with the objectives, as contained in the annex to decision 2/CP.11, to advance sub-theme b (v), “Promoting understanding and the development and dissemination of measures, methodologies and tools including for economic diversification aimed at increasing economic resilience and reducing reliance on vulnerable economic sectors, especially for relevant categories of countries listed in Article 4, paragraph 8, of the Convention".

Workshop report
Final agenda (128 kB)
Information note (88 kB)
Earth Negotiations Bulletin report of the workshop

Background documentation
Submissions from Parties and relevant organizations
Measures, methodologies and tools for increasing economic resilience to climate change and reducing reliance on vulnerable economic sectors.

Previous submissions
FCCC/SBSTA/2007/MISC.15 and Add.1
Information on economic diversification. Submissions from Parties.
Information on economic diversification. Submissions from relevant organizations. 
 Submission from an admitted non-governmental organization (25 kB)

Synthesis report
The SBSTA also requested the secretariat to prepare a synthesis report based on the submissions:
Synthesis of information on economic diversification submitted by Parties and relevant organizations. Note by the secretariat (FCCC/SBSTA/2007/14


Session 1:  Scope of the workshop and introduction of the topic

Presenter                                                Organization                                             Subject

Ms. Xianfu Lu

UNFCCC Secretariat 

 The objective of the Nairobi work programme and background of the workshop (475 kB)  

Mr. Mizan Khan

North South University, Bangladesh 

 Linkages of adaptation and economic resilience (155 kB)  

Ms. Elizabeth Fajber 

Institute for Social and Environmental Transition 

 Social dimensions of economic diversification in the context of climate change (138 kB)

Session 2:  Understanding existing approaches, measures and  tools

Presenter                                                                               Party                                  Subject

Mr. El-Sayed Sabry Mansour Nasr


 Perspective of the host goverrnment (1521 kB)   

A.  Sectoral perspective – agriculture and food security

Presenter                             Organization                                                                 Subject

Mr. Louis Bockel

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

 Increasing economic resilience of agriculture sector to climate change (846 kB)                                                          

Mr. Aaron Oxley 


 Microinsurance – The Last Mile.  An introduction (2312 kB)  

Ms. Marjorie Victor  

Oxfam America 

 Drought Micro-insurance in Ethiopia:  An Innovative Model to Increase the Resilience of the Poorest Households (653 kB)  

Presenter                           Party/Organization                                                  Subject

Mr. Garfield Barnwell 

CARICOM secretariat   

 Increasing Economic Resilience to Climate Change and Reducing Reliance on Vulnerable economic sectors, including through economic diversification
– The case of CARICOM
 (1761 kB)

Ms. Gisela Alonso Dominguez   


 Cuba:  Confronting Climate Change (4608 kB)  

Ms. Jasmine Gopaul  

Trinidad and Tobago 

 National strategies, current practices and lessons learned on reducing reliance on vulnerable economic sectors:  A Case Study of Trinidad and Tobago (589 kB)  

Session 4: Possible next steps and conclusions

A.  Recommendations from breakout groups

Group      Presenter                                                                              Theme


Ms. Lydia Elewa

 Increasing economic resilience and reducing reliance on vulnerable economic sectors to climate change at community level (100 kB)  


Ms. Emily Massawa 

 Increasing economic resilience to climate change at national level (3174 kB)  


Ms. Jasmine Gopaul

 Reducing reliance on vulnerable economic sectors to climate change at the national level, including through economic diversification (683 kB)

B.  Working together:  Catalysing action by Nairobi work programme partner organizations

Presenter                         Organization                                    Theme

Mr. H. R. Shalaby 

African Development Bank


Ms. Cassandra De Young  

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 


Mr. Benjamin Collier 



Ms. Liz Fajber 

Institute for Social and Environmental Transition

 Statement by ISET on relevant activities in support of the Nairobi work programme (67 kB)

Ms. Ana Belen Sanchez 

International Labour Organization

 ILO contribution to the workshop (243 kB)  

Ms. Helle  Damgaard Nielsen

International Trade Union Confederation

 ITUC Action Pledge: Equity, justice and solidarity in the fight against climate change (98 kB)

Ms. Marjorie Victor 



Ms. Julia Wolf 

United Nations Development Programme


Ms. Emily Ojoo Massawa 

United Nations Environment Programme


Mr. Asif Niazi 

World Food Programme


B.  Case study – the Caribbean experience

Presenter                           Party/Organization                                                  Subject

Mr. Garfield Barnwell 

CARICOM secretariat   

 Increasing Economic Resilience to Climate Change and Reducing Reliance on Vulnerable economic sectors, including through economic diversification
– The case of CARICOM
 (1761 kB)

Ms. Gisela Alonso Dominguez   


 Cuba:  Confronting Climate Change (4608 kB)  

Ms. Jasmine Gopaul  

Trinidad and Tobago 

 National strategies, current practices and lessons learned on reducing reliance on vulnerable economic sectors:  A Case Study of Trinidad and Tobago (589 kB)  

Session 4: Possible next steps and conclusions

A.  Recommendations from breakout groups

Group      Presenter                                                                              Theme


Ms. Lydia Elewa

 Increasing economic resilience and reducing reliance on vulnerable economic sectors to climate change at community level (100 kB)  


Ms. Emily Massawa 

 Increasing economic resilience to climate change at national level (3174 kB)  


Ms. Jasmine Gopaul

 Reducing reliance on vulnerable economic sectors to climate change at the national level, including through economic diversification (683 kB)

B.  Working together:  Catalysing action by Nairobi work programme partner organizations

Presenter                         Organization                                    Theme

Mr. H. R. Shalaby 

African Development Bank


Ms. Cassandra De Young  

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations 


Mr. Benjamin Collier 



Ms. Liz Fajber 

Institute for Social and Environmental Transition

 Statement by ISET on relevant activities in support of the Nairobi work programme (67 kB)

Ms. Ana Belen Sanchez 

International Labour Organization

 ILO contribution to the workshop (243 kB)  

Ms. Helle  Damgaard Nielsen

International Trade Union Confederation

 ITUC Action Pledge: Equity, justice and solidarity in the fight against climate change (98 kB)

Ms. Marjorie Victor 



Ms. Julia Wolf 

United Nations Development Programme


Ms. Emily Ojoo Massawa 

United Nations Environment Programme


Mr. Asif Niazi 

World Food Programme