Master Class on Access to Climate Finance - Applying a Gender Lens
15 Nov. 2016
11:00h - 14:30h
Paris, France
Climate Action Arena, Room Fes (Blue Zone)
Master Class on Access to Climate Finance - Applying a Gender Lens
15 Nov. 2016
11:00h - 14:30h
Paris, France
Climate Action Arena, Room Fes (Blue Zone)

Master Class on Access to Climate Finance - Applying a Gender Lens


This event will examine how different sources of financing can be accessed to implement transformative climate mitigation and adaptation actions and policies. By applying a gender lens and looking at lessons learned, the Master Class will identify the key skills, steps and tools needed to successfully access different sources of climate finance to implement transformative, from a gender and climate perspective, climate change projects, and how national institutional frameworks can enhance the enabling environment for such access.

Climate Action Arena, Room Fes (Blue Zone)
Tuesday, 15 November 2016
Time: 11:00 – 13:30

 Concept Note (351 kB)

Moderator: Amal-Lee Amin
Chief Climate Change and Sustainability Division,
Inter-American Development Bank

Scene setting
(11:00 - 11:30)


Overview of the climate finance landscape and different sources of funding

Amal-Lee Amin
Inter-American Development Bank

 Presentation (3262 kB)

Key challenges to accessing finance and principles for gender-responsive financing

Liane Schalatek
Heinrich Böll Stiftung
North America

 Presentation (478 kB)

Examining different funding sources
Beginning with grant financing, and using both mitigation and adaptation examples, presenters will identify the steps, skills and tools needed to successfully access different climate finance sources that also support the integration of gender considerations


Sources of finance

Grant-based funding

Adaptation Fund – direct access funding

Gender a Pivotal Difference Maker in Adaptation Fund Projects
 Building Resilience to Drought by Enhancing Traditional Water Channeling Systems
Adaptation Fund Morocco Project on Road to COP22

Young Hee Lee
Legal, Operations Analyst

 Presentation (1369 kB)

Fundecooperacion Para el Desarollo Sostenible – National Implementing Entity, Costa Rica

Marianella Feoli
Executive Director

 Presentation (1189 kB)

Fondo Centroamericano de Mujeres (FCAM)/Global Alliance for Green and Gender Action (GAGGA)

Carla López

Executive Director


U.S. Agency for International Development

Amanda Wheat
Climate Change Specialist

 Presentation (536 kB)

Case Study - funding for an energy NAMA in Georgia

Katharina Habersbrunner
Senior Coordinator
Sustainable Energy


 Presentation (1981 kB)

Public sector intermediation and blended finance

Global Environment Facility

Diana Movius
Multilateral Environmental Agreements Consultant

 Presentation (217 kB)

United Nations Development Programme

Verania Chao
Policy Specialist

Scaling Up Climate Action to achieve the SDGs

Sustainable Development Goals

Green Climate Fund

Stephanie Kwan

Accredited Entities Specialist  

 Presentation (317 kB)

Wrap up and close
(13:20 - 13:30)

Who should attend?

  • Government officials and policy makers (national, regional, local) involved in sectors relevant to climate change e.g. energy, environment, industry, finance, women and gender, agriculture, water, health, education

  • Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and civil societies

  • Climate mitigation and adaptation project developers and implementers

  • Funders and investors

  • Anyone wanting to understand better: what funding sources are available, how to go about accessing these sources and how these sources have already been utilised