Lights, Camera, Marrakech!

Global Youth Video Competition 2016

The 2016 competition followed on the success of the inaugural 2015 year and continued to highlight the efforts being made by youth from around the world to combat climate change. Youth play a fundamental role in creating a climate resilient and sustainable future.


The two winners were Faouzia Bahloul from Tunisia and Phuong Vu Hoang from Vietnam. They were recognized at an award ceremony during the Young and Future Generations Day, 10 November 2016, at COP22 in Marrakech, Morocco.

Faouzia Bahloul entered the video “Think Renewable.” The video is about the need to increase the use of renewable energy and explains the research she has been doing on biogas produced with the help of microalgea.

Phuong Vu Hoang created a video about the vulnerability of Vietnam to climate change and explains how he deploys his graphic design skills to make posters to inform the public about more sustainable lifestyle choices.





