Pasig City - A Smart City with a Green Heart - Philippines

Pasig City - A Smart City with a Green Heart weaves different sectors like transportation and disaster emergency management together to achieve green development. By building a network of ICT systems and integrating environmental promotion in each activity, Pasig City ensures that their efforts are efficient, effective, consistent and sustainable.

Fast facts:

  • This activity has installed more than 225 surveillance cameras around the city to promote safety; 

  • The city has a 24-hour phone and text hotline. Citizens are able to immediately report threats of flooding or other disaster information, allowing the city to respond more quickly;

  • The city has installed 23 fully operational pumping stations in 22 flood-prone areas.

The problem

Pasig City’s population is growing rapidly and a significant portion of the population is informal settlers who live in poverty. The city is also located in a floodplain area and is vulnerable to the effects of climate change.

The solution

The main goal of this activity is to build resilient communities that can withstand the effects of climate change. Pasig City has integrated a disaster risk reduction and management program that is training people in rescue and disaster relief as well as rehabilitation and risk reduction in the case of a flood. The activity uses a GIS map-guided computer-aided dispatch system, GPS tracking systems, a centralized radio system connected to all agencies in the city, a wireless and fiber optic public address alarm system and wide area notification sirens, weather monitoring and water-level monitoring,  an early warning system, closed circuit television for flood video analytics, surveillance cameras and a text messaging blasting system which is operational even when all telecommunication network providers are down.

Helping the planet

In addition to disaster management, Pasig City also intends to reduce its carbon footprint by reducing fuel consumption and carbon emissions from motorized vehicles through the city’s existing bike sharing program and implementing carless streets on Sundays.

Helping people

This activity aims to promote citizen and stakeholder participation and empowerment. Participation creates a sense of ownership and enhances the attainment of the program objectives.

Scaling Up

When citizens and stakeholders feel empowered to implement their own projects, this creates positive development for the city. Stakeholders manage activities like urban gardens, industrial pollution control, renewable energy and technology and recycling initiatives.

Images owned by the activity partners, all rights reserved.
