ADP 2-8 - Work of the contact group on item 3

PDF versions

Negotiating Text
Negotiating text - 12/02/2015@2200

Sections made available
Sections A-B. Preamble and Definitions - 11/02/2015@0820
Section C. General/Objective - 08/02/2015@2100
Section D. Mitigation - 09/02/2015@1300
Section E. Adaptation - 10/02/2015@0900
Section G. Finance - 10022015@1500
Section H. Technology - 10022015@1450
Section I. Capacity-Building - 10/02/2015@1445
Section J. Transparency - 10022015@1515
Section K. Time frames and process - 10/02/2015@2330
Section L. Implementation and compliance - 10/02/2015@2245
Section M. Procedural and institutional provisions - 10/02/2015@2230

Section D. Mitigation - 11/02/2015_REV@2030
Section D. Mitigation - 12/02/2015_REV2@1700
Section E. Adaptation - 11/02.2015_REV@2130
Section E. Adaptation - 12/02/2015_REV2@1700
Section E. Adaptation - 12/02/2015_REV3@2100
Section G. Finance - 11/02.2015_REV@2130
Section G. Finance - 12/02/2015_REV2@1700
Section I. Capacity-Building - 11/02.2015_REV@2030
Section K. Time frames and process - 11/02/2015_REV@2000
Section K. Time frames and process - 12/02/2015_REV2@1700

MS Word versions

Negotiating Text
FCCC/ADP/2015/1 (Official document, 25 February 2015)

Negotiating text - 12/02/2015@2200

Sections made available
Sections A-B. Preamble and Definitions - 11/02/2015@0820
Section C. General/Objective - 08/02/2015@2100
Section D. Mitigation - 09/02/2015@1300
Section E. Adaptation - 10/02/2015@0900
Section G. Finance - 10/02/2015@15.00
Section H. Technology - 10/02/2015@1450
Section I. Capacity-Building - 10/02/2015@1445
Section J. Transparency - 10/02/2015@1515
Section K. Time frames and process - 10/02/2015@2330
Section L. Implementation and compliance - 10/02/2015@2245
Section M. Procedural and institutional provisions - 10/02/2015@2230

Section D. Mitigation - 11/02/2015_REV@2030
Section D. Mitigation - 12/02/2015_REV2@1700
Section E. Adaptation - 11/02/2015_REV@2130
Section E. Adaptation - 12/02/2015_REV2@1700
Section E. Adaptation - 12/02/2015 REV3@2100
Section G. Finance - 11/02/2015_REV@2130
Section G. Finance - 12/02.2015_REV2@1700
Section I. Capacity-Building - 11/02.2015_REV@2030
Section K. Time frames and process - 11/02/2015_REV@2000
Section K. Time frames and process - 12/02/2015_REV2@1700
