How To Access Funding For Your Climate Solution
Understanding the Climate Funding Landscape: Effective Approaches for Mapping Finance Sources
21 Sep. 2024
13:00h - 15:00h
New York , United States of America
United States of America
Millennium Hilton New York One UN Plaza
How To Access Funding For Your Climate Solution
Understanding the Climate Funding Landscape: Effective Approaches for Mapping Finance Sources
21 Sep. 2024
13:00h - 15:00h
New York , United States of America
United States of America
Millennium Hilton New York One UN Plaza


Germany and Namibia, co-facilitators of the Summit of the Future, announced the release of the second revised draft of the Pact for the Future. The draft is intended to serve as the basis for further deliberations with the ultimate aim of adopting an ambitious, concise, action-oriented Pact for the Future, per resolution 76/307. Paragraph 62.d calls on states to provide accessible and transparent funding and capacity-building support for youth-led and youth-focused organizations

To this end, UNFCCC’s Youth4Capacity program together with Azerbaijan and Italy seeks to provide youth attending the 2024 UN Summit of the Future, New York Climate Week and the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA79) with an opportunity to build their capacities with the knowledge and skills necessary to unlock funding for their climate solutions. This workshop entitled “How to access funding for your climate solution” would take place within the margins of the 2024 UN Summit of the Future in New York and seeks to assist youth in understanding the funding landscape whilst conducting a mapping exercise as an entry point for effectively accessing finance for advancing climate solutions. 

This workshop is first in Youth4Capacity’s 3-part series and will be followed by a virtual workshop under the Climate Catalysts Mentorship Programme entitled “How to raise and mobilize funds for your climate solution” and an in-person workshop at COP29 entitled “How to sustain funding and ensure scalability”. The series is led by UNFCCC’s Youth4Capacity programme and will be delivered in collaboration with TED Countdown, Youth Climate Justice Fund, Youth4Climate, and other partners as appropriate. The series will cover three key elements to effectively enable young people to advance climate solutions, including:

  • Effective approaches and tools for accessing funding: Understanding the climate funding landscape, types of funding sources (grants, donations, sponsorships, crowdfunding), key considerations for youth organizations, research techniques for identifying relevant funders, tools and resources for mapping funding opportunities, building a compelling case for support, articulating the value proposition of climate solutions, and tailoring pitches to align with funder priorities.
  • Developing successful funding proposals and engaging with donors: Crafting effective funding proposals, key components of successful proposals, writing tips and best practices, engagement strategies for donor relations, building and maintaining relationships with donors, effective communication and reporting, strategies for securing multi-year funding and long-term commitments, and case studies of successful donor partnerships.
  • Sustaining funding and ensuring scalability: Developing sustainable business models, case studies of scalable models and their impact, best practices for replicating and scaling successful youth-led projects, financial planning for long-term stability through a systems thinking approach, and adapting to changing funding environments.



  • Equip youth with practical strategies for fundraising and mobilizing financial resources for climate initiatives.
  • Enhance the organizational capacities of youth-led climate projects to increase their financial sustainability and impact.
  • Foster a collaborative network among young climate activists, organizations, and potential funders.



This session is delivered in-person, through a combination of dialogue, presentations and practical exercises with the participants, conducted in a plenary and breakout group setting.

5 mins Welcome UNFCCC
5 mins Keynote Mr. Alessandro Guerri, Director General, Ministry of Environment and Energy Security, Italy
5 mins Remarks on youth capacity-building on the road to COP29 Leyla Hasanova, COP29 Youth Climate Champion
5 mins Remarks on youth driving policy solutions including on climate President of Italian Youth Council
10 mins Presentation of Youth4Climate initiative and its Call for Solutions including an elevator pitch of success stories
  • Youth4Climate Representative
  • 5 Youth4Climate awardees from the 2023 Call for Solutions
20 mins Presentation on Effective Approaches for identifying youth funding sources
  • TED Countdown Representative
  • Youth Climate Justice Fund Representative
30 mins Breakout Group Activity - Finance Mapping Exercise and Report Back by facilitators
  • Intro - Joshua Amponsem
  • Facilitators - 5 Youth4Climate awardees from the 2023 Call for Solutions
5 mins Closing Reflections Prof. Francesco Corvaro, Special Envoy on Climate, Ministry of Environment and Energy Security, Italy

Moderated by UNFCCC Representative



Through an enhanced understanding of the funding landscape this session will empower participants with necessary skills for identifying and carrying out effective approaches for mapping sources of finance in advancing climate solutions in multiple sectors. 

Participants will be able to identify youth friendly funding mechanisms, specific entry points and craft appropriate strategies for accessing.