The Climate Catalysts Mentorship Programme

A collaborative effort of UNFCCC's Youth4Capacity programme and UNDP's Youth4Climate initiative.


Button with cursor referring to the programme dashboard.
Credit: UN Climate Change


CCMP banner
Credit: UN Climate Change / UNDP


About button.
Credit: UN Climate Change

Are you a young person: 

Passionate about climate action but need direction? 
Seeking tools to turn your climate ideas into action?
Need guidance to grow your climate plan and engage more people? 

The Climate Catalysts Mentorship Programme is here for you(th)! As a collaborative effort of the UNDP's Youth4Climate initiative and the UNFCCC's Youth4Capacity programme, this mentorship programme aims to empower you(th) to engage in the climate action landscape effectively. This programme welcomes you(th) across regions and sectors - so wherever you are in your climate journey – Step Up for the Climate: Engage, Learn, Lead!  

Objectives button.
Credit: UN Climate Change


Through interactive courses, workshops, and bootcamps, experts will collaborate with you(th) to build the technical capacities and soft skills required to catalyse climate action. This year, join the programme and engage in hands-on learning experiences on –  

How to tell your story...
How to build a climate action community...
How to scale the impact and sustainability of climate projects...
How to raise and mobilize funds for your climate solution...
And, follow two bootcamps on Leadership and Policy Development!

Explore all activities and interactive discussion forums on this dashboard. Create an account and join the community!




Peer learning & networking community moderators: 
Credit: Displayed individuals.



CCMP partners
Credit: Listed organizations.