Country page - Ecuador

Updated on 7 February 2024






Governance of risk law

Strategies for a comprehensive GoR (Governance of Risk) law that provides a legal framework for risk management at all levels, including municipalities.

Integration of Climate Change and GoR Methodologies

 Foster integration and alignment between climate change and GoR methodologies to promote a holistic approach to planning.

Promoting academic consensus on comparable risk studies

Facilitate academic consensus on guidelines for conducting comparable risk studies, rather than generating individual studies at each locality. Encourage the development of standardized methodologies and approaches to enable meaningful comparison and sharing of risk information across regions.

Calamity Fund

Help in the establishment of a GoR law and a dedicated calamity fund to ensure adequate and equitable distribution of emergency funds. Strengthen financial sustainability strategies to support local-level instruments and enable timely response and recovery efforts.



Economic valuation of impact

Comprehensive economic valuation of the impacts to assess the costs and losses incurred.

Staffing and capacity building at ministries

Invest in training programs, knowledge sharing, and recruitment of skilled personnel to ensure effective management of floods and climate challenges.

Involvement of private sector and financial sector

Strategies to improve engagement and involvement of the private sector and finance sector in climate and DRR. Foster partnerships, develop incentives and promote innovative financing mechanisms to encourage private sector participation and investment in climate-resilient projects.

Tailored insurance products

Support in developing insurance products tailored to the needs of different sectors and promote financial literacy programs to enhance understanding and uptake of insurance among small-scale farmers and rural communities.

Tools for Event Intensity Evaluation

Instruments and tools to evaluate the intensity and severity to aid in risk assessment, and guide the prioritization of adaptation and resilience measures.

Climate and finance literacy

Help strengthen capacity development initiatives focused on improving climate and finance literacy.

Direct payments to populations and gender mainstreaming

Help in developing mechanisms for providing direct payments to populations as conditional funds, incentivizing climate-resilient practice, along with strategies to integrate gender considerations and mainstream gender perspectives across climate and DRR efforts
