High level opening of the Youth-Affiliated Event and Intergenerational dialogue
06 Sep. 2023
16:30h - 18:00h
Nairobi, Kenya
Kenyatta International Convention Centre (KICC)
High level opening of the Youth-Affiliated Event and Intergenerational dialogue
06 Sep. 2023
16:30h - 18:00h
Nairobi, Kenya
Kenyatta International Convention Centre (KICC)

Event Recording




The Glasgow work programme on ACE adopted at COP 26 acknowledges the growing interest and engagement of youth in climate action and the critical role of young people as agents of change. Parties called for further enhancement of youth participation in climate change processes and in unleashing the potential of Action for Climate Empowerment. This was supported further by the adoption of the Action Plan for the Glasgow work programme on ACE adopted at COP 27 which highlights the need to meaningfully include youth in and engage with them on climate action at all levels and facilitate the inclusive participation of, inter alia, children, women, indigenous peoples and persons with disabilities, in climate action, according to national circumstances (Action Plan of the Glasgow work programme on ACE Activity C.2 priority area tools and support). The Youth-Affiliated event is supported by the Youth4Capacity programme and the ACE Hub



The objective of the Youth-Affiliated event is to create a platform for youth to get together and discuss opportunities to enhance meaningful youth engagement and participation in climate policymaking and action in the African region through various events. The youth-affiliated event will therefore be delivered in various segments such as intergenerational dialogues, capacity-building sessions, networking sessions, exhibitions and workshops.

The key needs to put forward range from the lack of access to climate financing to the gap in capacity building.

  • Access to finance: Many African youth may not be aware of available funding opportunities, or they may not have access to relevant networks that could help connect them with potential investors or funding organizations.Addressing these challenges requires a multi-faceted approach involving collaboration between governments, financial institutions, development organizations, and the private sector.
  • Inclusion: The youth must be involved in local climate adaptation initiatives to strengthen community resilience.
  • Climate education: at an early age is crucial to raise awareness and build a foundation of environmental consciousness among young individuals.
  • Capacity building: Youth require mentorship and capacity-building opportunities to develop leadership skills and enhance their expertise in climate-related fields.

Addressing these challenges requires a multi-faceted approach involving collaboration between governments, financial institutions, development organizations, and the privatee sector. The results of the survey will be shared in advance to set the tone for the intergenerational dialogue.


Agenda and Format

Part 1: Opening

5 mins Welcome remarks and introduction to the youth-affiliated event by moderator
7 mins UNFCCC ES (TBC)
7 mins Minster Kenya (TBC) 
Special Addresses
7 mins Representative Italian Government (TBC)
7 mins YAG (TBC)
Setting the scene for the intergenerational dialogue
12 mins Youth representative – introduction to the intergenerational dialogue

 Part 2: Roundtable

Intergenerational Dialogue
30 mins Roundtable Discussions
10 mins Closing Remarks
5 mins Buffer time