Mandated and other events
Ocean and Climate Change Dialogue 2023 - Mandated Event
Day 2
14 Jun. 2023
15:00h - 18:00h
Bonn, Germany
Plenary New York, Main Building
Main Building
Mandated and other events
Ocean and Climate Change Dialogue 2023 - Mandated Event
Day 2
14 Jun. 2023
15:00h - 18:00h
Bonn, Germany
Plenary New York, Main Building
Main Building


The Conference of the Parties, at its twenty-sixth session, requested the Chair of the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA) hold an annual dialogue, starting at the fifty-sixth session of the SBSTA (June 2022), to strengthen ocean-based climate action. 

At COP 27, Parties decided that future dialogues will be facilitated by two co-facilitators, who will be responsible for deciding the topics for and conducting the dialogue, in consultation with Parties and observers, and preparing an informal summary report to be presented in conjunction with the subsequent session of the Conference of the Parties.

Topics for 2023

Based on consultations during an informal exchange of views, the topics chosen for the ocean dialogue 2023 are: 

  1. Coastal ecosystem restoration including blue carbon

  2. Fisheries and food security


The co-facilitators are Mr. Niall O’Dea (Canada) and Mr. Julio Cordano (Chile) who will chair the dialogue

Preparation for the dialogue

The co-facilitators invite Parties and non-Party stakeholders to consider the guiding questions, provided in the information note and included in the agenda, in advance to help facilitate interactive discussions and effective deep-dives into the two topics as well as consideration of what is needed to further centralize the role of oceans in climate change mitigation and adaptation action and through UNFCCC processes


Link to presentations for day 1

Link to presentations for day 2

Day 1. Tuesday 13 June, 14:00–17:00


High Level Remarks and Opening

Razan Al Mubarak, High Level Champion, COP Presidency (virtual)

Peter Thomson, UN Secretary General’s Special Envoy for the Ocean

Simon Stiell, UNFCCC Executive Secretary



Setting the Scene

Vladimir Ryabinin, Executive Secretary, UNESCO-IOC

Tristan Tyrrell, CBD

Tarub Bahri, FAO




Introduction to the Breakout Group Discussions





Breakout Group Discussions on Topics 1 and 2

  • Participants will divide into groups (10–20 people per group) to discuss the guiding questions
  • Participants will have a chance to discuss both topics


15:00–15:50: There will be 4–5 breakout groups for Topic 1 and 4–5 breakout groups for Topic 2.

5-10 min changeover time

16:00–16:50: Participants will change groups for a second round of breakout discussions.


Guiding Questions

Topic 1 Coastal ecosystem restoration including blue carbon

  1. How can Parties strengthen recognition of coastal ecosystems as assets, to increase investments, and improve processes to protect and restore them?
  2. How can Parties further include blue carbon ecosystems (i.e., mangroves, seagrass and saltmarshes, among others) as part of their mitigation strategy and what are the key data/knowledge gaps that prevent Parties from doing so?


Topic 2 Fisheries and food security

  1. How can Parties develop sustainable and equitable aquatic food production that are also inclusive, nature-positive and resilient?
  2. How can Parties support decarbonisation along the value chains of aquatic food systems (e.g., technology efficiency, replacement of fish-based feed ingredients, production closer to the final market, reduced reliance on fossil fuel)?

Breakout groups with Moderators and Rapporteurs

(see below list of moderators and rapporteurs)





Overarching (both topics)

  1. How can Parties engage with coastal communities, including indigenous peoples, to align direct benefits with better management of coastal ecosystems?
  2. How can Parties create an enabling environment (e.g. policy, regulation, information, capacity), especially to attract resilient investments for both topical areas?



Wrap up day 1



Day 2. Wednesday 14 June, 15:00–18:00


Report back from breakout groups

Moderators, Rapporteurs and Visual storytellers


Panel discussions on best practices for adaptation and mitigation



Topic 1: Coastal ecosystem restoration including blue carbon

Mr. Muhammad Yusuf, Director of Coastal and Small Islands Utilization, Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries, Republic of Indonesia.

Ms. Muna AlAmoodi, Director, Climate Change Department at Ministry of Climate Change and Environment (with technical inputs from Emirates Nature-WWF)

Ms. Luisa Maria Neves Salgueiro, Mayor of Matosinhos, Portugal (virtual)

Dr. Christopher Lilyblad, Head of Strategy and Policy Unit, a.i. UNDP, Cabo Verde (virtual)

Mr. Stephen Minas, ocean activity co-lead & TEC member

Q&A and Interventions on further case studies from the floor

Experts from Parties and NPS


5min break


Topic 2: Fisheries and food security

Ms. Gwen Sisior, Ocean Advisor to the PSIDS' Chair, Palau

Mr. Gabriel Kpaka, Deputy Director-General, Meteorological Agency, Sierra Leone

Ms. Ariane Steinsmeier, Director Innovation and Scaling, Ocean Risk and Resilience Action Alliance

Mr. German Velasquez, Director, Division of Mitigation and Adaptation, GCF

Ms. Tiana Carter, Co-Chair, Facilitative Working Group of the LCIPP

Q&A and Interventions on further case studies from the floor


Plenary Discussion on ways forward and messages for COP28


Guiding Questions

  1. What is needed to further centralize the role of the ocean in climate change mitigation and adaptation through UNFCCC processes, including the Global Stocktake?
  2. How can the discussions from day 1 be translated into actionable recommendations that can lead towards more climate action in the ocean?
  3. How can the dialogue be further strengthened in the future to provide more concrete actions and messages for COP?






 Mr. Harry Vreuls,

List of moderators and rapporteurs for breakout groups on day 1

Topic 1




Loreley Picourt, Ocean & Climate Platform

Tom Hickey, Pew


Kilaparti Ramakrishna, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI)

Marina Antonopoulou, The World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) Emirates, UAE


Martin Sommerkorn,  The World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) Arctic

Jill Hamilton, Conservation International (CI)


Lisa Schindler Murray, Rare

Beatriz Marchado Granziera, The Nature Conservancy (TNC)


Ambrosio Yobanolo del Real, co-chair of the Technology Executive Committee (TEC)

Luz Gil, The Nature Conservancy (TNC)




Topic 2




Tarub Bahri, The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)

Marine Lecerf, Ocean & Climate Platform


Pauli Merriman, The World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF)

Matt Frost, Plymouth Marine Laboratory (PML)


Jessie Turner, Ocean Acidification Alliance (SOA)

Mitchell Lennan, One Ocean Hub


Mark Haver, BlueGreen Generation

Whitney Berry, Ocean Conservancy


Karly Kelso, Environment Defense Fund (EDF)

Katie Thiessen, YOUNGO