Global Stocktake information portal

This online resource has been developed pursuant to decision 19/CMA.1, paragraph 21, to facilitate online availability of all global stocktake inputs, by thematic area. It also compiles the most up-to date inputs from the sources identified in paragraph 37 as per paragraph 22 of the same decision.

Submissions are subject to the UNFCCC terms of use and can be made via the submission portal by Parties and organizations with observer status. Non-Party stakeholders without observer status can make submissions by email to specific calls for input. Please refer to the submission guidelines for more information on how to make a submission.

In addition to the information provided in the global stocktake information portal below, other relevant sources of information for the global stocktake are listed in the related information section.

To view the addendas to the global stocktake synthesis reports, go to document type > global stocktake synthesis reports

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Showing 45 of 1,106 results
Title Author Theme Document Type Download
State of Carbon Dioxide Removal - Mercator Research Institute on Global Commons and Climate Change Mercator Research Institute on Global Commons and Climate Change (MCC) Mitigation, Response measures, Science and research, Technology, Means of implementation
Submissions to the Global Stocktake
Submission of Bhutan Call to include mountains and the cryosphere in the Global Stocktake Report, 2023 Bhutan Adaptation, Mitigation, Climate finance, Means of implementation, Capacity-building, Technology, Loss and damage, Response measures, Science and research, Equity
Submissions to the Global Stocktake
Local Communities and Indigenous Peoples Platform June 2023 FWG inputs to the technical assessment of the Global Stocktake In response to Decision 19/CMA.1 "Matters relating to Article 14 of the Paris Agreement and paragraphs 99-101 of decision 1/CP.21” UNFCCC. Facilitative Working Group (FWG) of the Local Communities and Indigenous Peoples Platform (LCIPP) Global Stocktake synthesis reports
Submission by UNICEF on behalf of members of the Children’s Environmental Rights Initiative (CERI) Coalition and the Children’s Rights Climate Coalition to the UNFCCC first Global Stocktake United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) Adaptation, Mitigation, Climate finance, Means of implementation, Capacity-building, Technology, Loss and damage, Response measures, Science and research, Equity
Submissions to the Global Stocktake
Iceland. National Communication (NC). NC 8. Biennial Reports (BR). BR 5. Iceland Adaptation
National communications (NC), National communications (NC), Biennial reports (BR)
Türkiye. National Communication (NC). NC 8. Biennial Reports (BR). BR 5. Türkiye Adaptation
National communications (NC), National communications (NC), Biennial reports (BR)
United Kingdom. National Communication (NC). NC 8. Biennial Reports (BR). BR5. Corrigendum United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Adaptation, Mitigation
,National reporting
National communications (NC), Biennial reports (BR)
Vanuatu Low Emissions Development Strategy Vanuatu Mitigation, Adaptation Long-term low greenhouse gas emission development strategies (LT-LEDS)
Submission of the Global Alliance for National Human Rights Institutions (GANHRI) to the Global Stocktake (GST) Global Alliance of National Human Rights Institutions (GANHRI) Equity, Loss and damage, Adaptation, Climate finance, Capacity-building, Means of implementation, Mitigation, Response measures, Science and research, Technology
,Global stocktake
Submissions to the Global Stocktake
Submission on the Paris Agreement’s First Global Stocktake - WEDO on behalf of the WGC Women’s Environment and Development Organization (WEDO) Adaptation, Mitigation, Climate finance, Means of implementation, Capacity-building, Technology, Loss and damage, Response measures, Science and research, Equity
Submissions to the Global Stocktake
Ireland. National Communication (NC). NC 8. Biennial Reports (BR). BR 5. Ireland Adaptation
National communications (NC), National communications (NC), Biennial reports (BR)
Additional submission by UNEP for GST (adaptation) United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) Adaptation Submissions to the Global Stocktake
Birdlife International submission to the first global stocktake BirdLife International Means of implementation Submissions to the Global Stocktake
iGST submission: Negotiator Briefing: A Needs-Based Approach to Climate Finance Climate Equity Reference Project Canada (CERP) Climate finance, Equity, Mitigation, Adaptation, Loss and damage, Response measures
,Global stocktake
Submissions to the Global Stocktake
iGST submission: Negotiator Briefing: A Needs-Based Approach to Loss and Damage Climate Equity Reference Project Canada (CERP) Equity, Loss and damage, Adaptation
,Global stocktake
Submissions to the Global Stocktake
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