Constituted Body meetings and events
Hybrid twenty-first meeting of the Adaptation Committee (AC21)
28 - 31 Mar. 2022
08:00h - 18:00h
Adaptation & Loss and Damage
Constituted Body meetings and events
Hybrid twenty-first meeting of the Adaptation Committee (AC21)
28 - 31 Mar. 2022
08:00h - 18:00h
Adaptation & Loss and Damage

The meeting was opened to observers from 29-31 March

Documentation prepared for, presentations at, and summary of outcomes from, the twenty-first meeting of the Adaptation Committee (AC21) by agenda item.

1. Opening and welcome

2. Adoption of the agenda

AC21/AA/2 - Provisional agenda and annotations

Summary outcome

The agenda was adopted as presented.

3. Election of the Co-Chairs

Summary outcome

The Adaptation Committee elected Mariam Allam (Egypt) and Shella Biallas (United States of America) as its Co-Chairs for a period of one year ending at the start of the first AC meeting in 2023.

4. Organization of work 

Summary outcome

While maximizing the opportunity for in-person meeting, working hours were adjusted to better accommodate and ease the strain on members participating virtually.

5. Promoting overarching coherence

5. (a) Collaboration with other adaptation-related institutional arrangements under the UNFCCC

AC21/INFO/5A - Collaboration with other adaptation-related institutional arrangements under the Convention

AC21/CN/5A - Concept note for the 2022 dialogue with adaptation-related constituted bodies

Summary outcome

Collaboration with other adaptation-related institutional arrangements under the Convention and the Paris Agreement:

  • The AC took note of the suggestions received and requested the secretariat to take action accordingly.

On the annual dialogue with other adaptation-related constituted bodies:

  • The AC agreed on the theme for the 1st dialogue as “Support for adaptation (capacity-building, finance, technology), with a focus on addressing gaps and needs related to the formulation and implementation of NAPs”;
  • The AC requested the co-chairs with the support of the secretariat to prepare a draft concept note for inter-sessional consideration of the AC.
  • The first dialogue will take place in conjunction with SB 56 in June 2022.
  • The Co-Chairs with the support of the secretariat will lead the organization of the dialogue.

5. (b) Advice to the Nairobi work Programme on impacts, vulnerability and adaptation to climate change

Letter to the SBSTA Chair: AC advice to the NWP

AC21/INFO/5B - Advice to the Nairobi work programme on impacts, vulnerability, and adaptation to climate change

Summary outcome

The AC requested the secretariat to prepare (i) the draft advice to the Nairobi work programme, and (ii) a draft submission on the performance and effectiveness of NWP in addressing knowledge needs relevant to implementing the Paris Agreement, based on the document prepared for the meeting and additional guidance received during the meeting.

The drafts will be prepared during the week following AC21 and circulated to the AC for approval:

  • See the letter to the SBSTA Chair above.
  • Submission to NWP: Send to AC by 8 April for comments by 14 April.

5. (c) Adaptation contact points

Concept note by the secretariat

Summary outcome

The AC took note of the concept note by the secretariat. The concept note is intended to provide background information to UNFCCC National Focal Points in identifying adaptation contact points (ACPs).

The AC provided comments, including the need to remain within the mandate and the requirement for coordination between the ACPs and the respective NFPs and other focal points.

The AC also took note of the considerations by the LEG on the same concept note.

The secretariat will revise the concept note based on comments from the AC and the LEG and share it once again with the AC and the LEG before issuing an invitation to Parties to nominate the ACPs.

6. Awareness-raising, outreach and sharing of information

6. (a) Communications plan and strategy of the Adaptation Committee

AC21/INFO/6A - Adaptation Committee’s Communication Plan 2022. Information note

  • See presentation here>>
  • See presentation for the continuation of the discussions under this agenda item here>>

Summary outcome

The AC took note of the AC’s revised communications strategy and plan.

AC Members and observers are invited to provide further comments by 15 April 2022 and requests the secretariat to continue implementing the strategy and the plan.

6. (b) Annual flagship publication of the Adaptation Committee

AC21/CN/6B - Annual flagship publication of the Adaptation Committee. Concept note

Summary outcome

The AC took note of the comments received during the meeting and agreed to request the Co-Chairs, with the support of the issue leads and  support of the secretariat, to prepare an annotated outline of the first publication for the AC’s consideration intersessionally, with a view to preparing the publication for the AC’s approval at AC22.

6. (c) Adaptation Forum

 AC21/CN/6C - Adaptation Forum convened by the Adaptation Committee. Concept note

Summary outcome

The AC agreed on the broad topic of its 2022 Adaptation Forum as “Adaptation Stocktake”, with a view to further refining the subtitle and further elements to be discussed, including transformational adaptation.

The AC requested the secretariat, under the guidance of the Co-Chairs, to develop a concept note for the Forum.

The secretariat is also requested to identify a suitable time for the forum in the second half of 2022, based on a mapping of other adaptation-related events, and explore the possibility of conducting the forum back-to-back with other relevant events such as the AC 22 or Pre COP 27 meetings.

7. Technical support and guidance to the Parties on adaptation planning and implementation, including means of implementation, at the national and subnational level

7. (a) Methodologies for assessing adaptation needs

AC21/TP/7A - Methodologies for assessing adaptation needs. Draft technical paper

Summary outcome

The AC took note of the comments received during the meeting.

AC Members and observers are invited to provide more comments by 15 April 2022 with concrete references for any additions it wishes to see reflected.

7. (b) Adaptation Communications: Draft supplementary guidance for voluntary use by Parties in communicating adaptation information

AC21/GUID/7B - Draft supplementary guidance for voluntary use by Parties in communicating information in accordance with the possible elements of an adaptation communication

Summary outcome

The AC took note of the comments received during the meeting and invited the AC and observers to provide more comments 15 April 2022.

A close-to-final version will be shared on 1 May 2022 for final inputs, with a view to releasing the draft supplementary guidance in June as mandated.

The secretariat is invited to follow up with the IPCC for technical inputs to the guidance.

7. (c) Work of the Adaptation Committee Task Force on National Adaptation Plans (NAP Task force)

AC21/INFO/7C - Work of the Adaptation Committee Task force on National Adaptation Plans (NAP Taskf orce)

Summary outcome

The AC took note of the progress report on the work of the NAP Taskforce and to provided further guidance.

The AC also took note of the presentation of the online resource for navigating the landscape of support for the process to formulate and implement NAPs as presented.

7. (d) Capacity gaps in accessing adaptation funding

Summary outcome

The AC took note of the oral report on how the next steps on the work, including how they have been embedded in the flexible 2022-2024 workplan of the AC and in other ongoing activities.

The AC agreed to continue coordinating efforts with the LEG in further considering and addressing the gaps and needs.

7. (e) Technologies for adaptation

AC21/TP/7E - Priorities and needs: technologies for adaptation in agriculture, water resources and coastal zones; including experiences in stakeholder engagement and regulatory issues pertaining to the development, transfer and uptake of technologies in those sectors. Updated draft technical paper

Summary outcome

The AC took note of the comments and additional inputs received during the meeting.

Issue leads, with the support of the secretariat, are requested to advance the technical paper for inter-sessional consideration and approval at AC 22.

AC Members and observers are invited to provide more comments by 15 April 2022.

7. (f) Engaging the private sector in adaptation action

AC21/CN/7F - Private sector engagement in the formulation and implementation of NAPs. Concept note for an event at the 2022 NAP Expo

Summary outcome

The AC considered the thematic options for the event to be organized at the NAP Expo.

The AC prioritized topics on (i) Promoting the inclusion of (M)SMEs in national adaptation planning and implementation and (ii) Closing the data gap in climate change adaptation planning and implementation in collaboration with the private sector for the event to be organized at the NAP Expo, with an event on the first topic to be held first.

The AC requested its issue leads to prepare concepts for both options with a view to holding both events in 2022. Should this not be feasible, option B will be prioritized.

8. Providing technical support and guidance on reviewing subnational, national and overall adaptation progress

8. (a) Recognizing the adaptation efforts of developing country Parties

AC21/SREP/8A - Synthesis report on efforts of developing countries in assessing and meeting the costs of adaptation. Draft annotated outline

Summary outcome

The AC considered the annotated draft outline of the synthesis report on assessing and meeting the costs of adaptation, to be prepared in the context of recognizing the adaptation efforts of developing countries.

The AC took note of the comments and suggestions received during the meeting, including the report’s mandate to feed into the information collection phase of the GST, and invited the issue leads, with the support by the secretariat, to revise the outline for review by the AC, with a view to considering a draft report in the intersessional period and approving the finalized report at AC 22.

8. (b) Methodologies for reviewing the adequacy and effectiveness of adaptation and support

AC-LEG/INFO/4 - Progress made by the joint AC-LEG-SCF working group on methodologies for reviewing the adequacy and effectiveness of adaptation and support

Summary outcome

The AC took note of the progress made by the joint AC-LEG-SCF working group and endorsed the next steps that the joint working group (JWG) agreed.

The AC agreed to compile the feedback received during the meeting and to transmit it to the JWG.

The AC noted with appreciation the agreement by the SCF to collect relevant inputs based on previous work undertaken by the SCF to inform the work of the JWG.

8. (c) Information collection and preparation for the Global Stocktake

AC21/SREP/8C - Draft synthesis report on the information identified in paragraph 36 of decision 19/CMA.1

Summary outcome

The AC considered the draft report and provided further comments.

It agreed to open the document for collaborative editing by all AC members until 10 April. The document will then be closed for editing and a conference call will take place on 12 April to agree on the edits and the organizational structure.

After that, the secretariat will prepare a revised draft for agreement by the AC in a subsequent call to be held on 25 April.

8. (d) Monitoring and evaluation systems at the national and subnational level

AC21/CN/8D - Technical paper featuring case studies on the development and application of monitoring and evaluation systems at the national and subnational level. Concept note and outline

Summary outcome

The AC considered the outline for the technical paper and provided further guidance to the issue leads for the preparation of the paper with the support by the secretariat.

It further agreed to invite inputs from NWP partners and other stakeholders to inform the paper.

9. Organization of inter-sessional work

Summary outcome

The AC updated its list working groups and their respective issue leads.

The AC took note of the increasing active participation of observers in its meetings.

The AC agreed to allocate time for representatives of other constituted bodies to provide brief updates on relevant developments from their work, under the agenda item of coherence and collaboration under the Convention and the Paris Agreement. This is in addition to their contributions on any items on the agenda

10. Dates for future meetings

Summary outcome

The AC agreed to hold its 22nd meeting from 6 to 9 September 2022.

11. Any other matters


14. Closure of the meeting.