Outcomes of the Glasgow Climate Change Conference - Advance Unedited Versions (AUVs) and list of submissions from the sessions in Glasgow

The advance unedited versions of the decisions taken at the Glasgow Climate Change Conference are listed below by governing body. The full reports will be published in due course.
The list of submissions from the sessions in Glasgow can be found here.

COP 26   CMP 16   CMA 3
COP 2f Glasgow Climate Pact   CMP 2c Glasgow Climate Pact   CMA 2 Glasgow Climate Pact
COP 2g Dates and venues of future sessions   CMP 7a Report of the Adaptation Fund Board for 2020 and 2021   CMA 12a Guidance on cooperative approaches referred to in Article 6,  paragraph 2, of the Paris Agreement
COP 8a Long-term climate finance   CMP 7b Fourth review of the Adaptation Fund   CMA 12b Rules, modalities and procedures for the mechanism  established by Article 6, paragraph 4, of the Paris Agreement
COP 8b Matters relating to the Standing Committee on Finance   CMP 9 Matters relating to the forum on the impact of the implementation of response measures   CMA 12c Work programme under the framework for non-market  approaches referred to in Article 6, paragraph 8, of the Paris  Agreement
COP 8c Report of the Green Climate Fund to the Conference of the  Parties and guidance to the Green Climate Fund   CMP 8 Fourth comprehensive review of the implementation of the  framework for capacity-building in developing countries  under the Kyoto Protocol   CMA 5

Guidance for operationalizing the modalities, procedures and guidelines for the enhanced transparency framework referred to in Article 13 of the Paris Agreement. Proposal by the President

COP 8d Report of the Global Environment Facility to the Conference  of the Parties and guidance to the Global Environment  Facility   CMP 8 Fifth review of the implementation of the framework for  capacity - building in countries with economies in transition  under the Kyoto Protocol   CMA 3b Common time frames for nationally determined  contributions referred to in Article 4, paragraph 10, of the  Paris Agreement
COP 8f Compilation and synthesis of, and summary report on the in-session workshop on, biennial communications of information related to Article 9, paragraph 5, of the Paris Agreement   CMP 12c Programme budget for the biennium 2022–2023   CMA 3b Glasgow work programme on Action for Climate  Empowerment
COP 5 Revised terms of reference of the Consultative Group of Experts   CMP 12c Budget for the international transaction log   CMA 8a Matters relating to the Standing Committee on Finance
COP 11 Extension of the mandate of the Least Developed Countries Expert Group   CMP 12ab Administrative, financial and institutional matters   CMA 8b Guidance to the Green Climate Fund
COP 3a Local Communities and Indigenous Peoples Platform   CMP 5 Guidance relating to the clean development mechanism   CMA 8c Guidance to the Global Environment Facility
COP 3b Glasgow work programme on Action for Climate  Empowerment           CMA 8e New collective quantified goal on climate finance
COP 3b National adaptation plans           CMA 8f Compilation and synthesis of, and summary report on the insession workshop on, biennial communications of  information related to Article 9, paragraph 5, of the Paris  Agreement
COP 6 Report of the Adaptation Committee (for 2019, 2020 and 2021)           CMA 8d Matters relating to the Adaptation Fund
COP 10 Annual technical progress reports of the Paris Committee on Capacity-building for 2020 and 2021           CMA 7 Warsaw International Mechanism for Loss and Damage  associated with Climate Change Impacts
COP 10 Fifth review of the implementation of the framework for CB in countries with economies in transition under the Convention           CMA 4ab Report of the Adaptation Committee for 2019, 2020 and 2021
COP 7 Warsaw International Mechanism for Loss and Damage  associated with Climate Change Impacts           CMA 4 Glasgow–Sharm el-Sheikh work programme on the global  goal on adaptation
COP 12 Matters relating to the forum on the impact of the implementation of response measures           CMA 10 Annual technical progress reports of the Paris Committee on Capacity-building for 2020 and 2021
COP 9a Enhancing climate technology development and transfer through the Technology Mechanism           CMA 11 Matters relating to the forum on the impact of the implementation of response measures
COP 9c Review of the constitution of the Advisory Board of the  Climate Technology Centre and Network           CMA 6a Modalities and procedures for the operation and use of a public registry referred to in Article 4, paragraph 12, of the Paris Agreement. Proposal by the President
COP 9d Second review of the Climate Technology Centre and Network           CMA 6b Modalities and procedures for the operation and use of a public registry referred to in Article 7, paragraph 12, of the Paris Agreement. Proposal by the President
COP 13 Gender and climate change           CMA 9b Alignment between processes pertaining to the review of the CTCN and the periodic assessment referred to in paragraph 69 of decision 1/CP.21
COP 16ab Administrative, financial and institutional matters           CMA 9c First periodic assessment referred to in paragraph 69 of decision 1/CP.21
COP 16c Programme budget for the biennium 2022 – 2023           CMA 9a Enhancing climate technology development and transfer to support implementation of the Paris Agreement
                CMA 13 Rules of procedure of the committee to facilitate implementation and promote compliance referred to in Article 15, paragraph 2, of the Paris Agreement



Expression of gratitude to the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the people of the city of Glasgow


Expression of gratitude to the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the people of the city of Glasgow


Expression of gratitude to the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the people of the city of Glasgow



