Additional information on COVID-19 protection measures at COP26

In order to support participants duly accredited for COP 26 through the online registration system (ORS) to prepare for their participation, UNFCCC secretariat is pleased to provide the updated information below.

This updated information is provided in addition to information already made available at this website and at the UK Presidency COP 26 website ( The updated information responds to questions related to how COVID-19 protection measures may affect the physical participation at COP 26 in Glasgow.


The capacity of the venue (approximately 10,000) is regulated to ensure safe participation of all delegates and to fully enable the implementation of COVID-19 Code of Conduct (

Should the number of participants, at any given time, come close to exceeding the capacity of the venue, all registered delegates will be notified by push notifications.  In such a case, participants who do not need to be in the venue will be requested to delay their arrival, and instead participate through the COP 26 platform.

The COP 26 venue will be open to participants for the full duration of COP 26, from 31 October until 12 November. The World leaders’ Summit (WLS) is expected to attract a large number of heads of State/Government and the two plenary halls where the WLS will take place will only be accessible for participants who have tickets to the WLS. Tickets are provided to focal points per delegations, at the Information Desk. Additional restrictions of movements inside the venue may be required to ensure security during the WLS. Please note that all parts of the WLS can be followed on-line on the COP 26 platform and we encourage participants to actively utilize the platform.

Please also note that in order to avoid overcrowding at the COP 26 venue during the WLS, only limited and strictly restricted events will be held from 31 October to 2 November, but negotiations will continue unaffected. Other services, such as registration of delegates, will not be affected by the WLS. However, in order to ensure security protocols are implemented and ensure smooth transition of delegates, registration for NGOs will be closed on 1 November until 14:00.

With exception for the WLS (see above), participation in different types of meetings and events will follow the same rules as previous COP. For example, side events and climate action events will be open for all participants. Negotiation contact groups will be open to Parties and observers, while informal meetings may only be open to Parties if Parties so decide.

However, due to the social distancing required by the COVID-19 protection measures, all meeting rooms will have a reduced capacity as compared to previous COPs. In order to maintain the required social distancing, most meeting rooms will only have about 50% of the number of seats that could otherwise be fitted in the room. In addition, participants will not be allowed to sit on the floor or stand along the walls; only seated participants can be in the room. Participants can also follow most events on the COP platform.

Despite room capacity constraints, the secretariat is committed to ensuring equitable participation in negotiations (contact groups or informal consultations). The secretariat will provide access tickets to groups of Parties proportionate in number to the size of the group and room capacity, for distribution among the group’s members. In addition, observers will be given a limited number of tickets to allow for their participation, where applicable.

Starting on Sunday, 31 October, the secretariat will distribute tickets daily to focal points, clearly indicating the date, time, meeting room and negotiation item. Groups of Parties are kindly requested to communicate to the secretariat ( their designated ticket focal point and two back-up focal points. Information on the distribution of tickets will be made available soon.

Participants who wish to attend a meeting but have not been provided with ticket will be requested to attend the meeting through the COP 26 platform. All participants will have access to the platform. Depending on their type of badge and the type of meeting, the participant will be provided with the same online access, e.g. to watch or to join (i.e., interact), as would be the case if the participant had been in the meeting room physically.

For side events and climate action events, the room access will be based on a first come - first served basis. Please note that in between every meeting and event, the rooms will need to be vacated to allow for COVID-19 sanitation, and it will not be possible to “hold a seat” from meeting to meeting in the same room. Staff at the entrance to each room will inform prospective participants when the room is full. Participants are requested to follow the guidance of staff.

Mandatory 15-minute cleanings will be scheduled between negotiation meetings. In order to accommodate this, and to allow groups sufficient time for coordination as well as for lunch, negotiating blocks will be adjusted to 10:00 – 13:30 and 15:30 – 19:00. This will be reflected in the Daily Program.

The COVID-19 Code of Conduct (the Code) ( is the common responsibility of all participants to adhere to. All participants will be asked to sign that they agree to comply with various guidelines for participation, including COVID code of conduct, when they pick up the badges. They are available in all 6 UN languages ( The Code outlines safety precaution (e.g. daily self-testing), and behaviors (e.g. wearing of masks and social distancing) that every participant must follow. Failure to follow the Code of Conduct may result in the participant being de-badged or even criminal prosecution in cases of major breaches.

Activities that normally are done with close proximity among the participants, such as “huddling” during negotiations or authorized demonstrations with many participants standing close together  are acceptable if the required social distancing is maintained.

Participants will be provided with a welcome kit, including a protective mask, wipes and a hand sanitizer bottle that can be refilled within the venue. One welcome kit will be distributed to each participant. While a limited supply of masks will be made available outside the negotiating rooms, all participants are expected to bring their own masks.

All attendees are required to comply with the Covid-19 testing regime, which includes pre-departure testing, tests in the days following arrival and daily testing during the conference. The testing regime will apply to all registered participants and staff, whether fully vaccinated or not, including both arrival PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) testing for international participants and daily LFD (Lateral Flow Device) testing for all participants. Further information can be found here:

Evidence of a negative, self-administered rapid test (LFD test) will be required to enter the Blue Zone and associated venues each day. These tests need to be self-administered in accommodation before arriving at the event venue. Test kits will be provided to participants through pick-up at major hotels or at collection points in both Glasgow and Edinburg.

Those who return a positive test will be provided with public health guidance which they must follow. This may include a requirement to isolate for a minimum period, take a follow up PCR test, and provide details to assist with contact tracing.

You must register the result of your LFD test into an NHS APP or use Web: You can create an account which will speed up the reporting process for next time. Instructions are provided on the  A printed summary of this guidance will also be provided to delegates alongside their COVID test kits.

You must be able to show either the SMS or email confirmation of your negative result to access the venue. If you have any issues with taking or reporting your result, please contact +44(0) 117 472 0968. Translation is also available at this number.

International participants are required to take a PCR test within 48 hours of arrival. Instructions are provided in the package which is placed in the hotel room or at the reception of the hotel.

Participants are required to take a PCR test on day 8 if you are unvaccinated and have been in, or travelled through, a red list country in the previous 10 days. This does not apply to those leaving the UK within eight (8) days.
