Consultation Workshop: Building Capacity for Climate Action by SMEs (26th October 2021)
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Private sector action, including SMEs, will be critical actors in addressing climate change. Private sector involvement is essential for multiple reasons. First of all, given the scale and pace of emissions reductions needed, it is critical that companies across the board urgently act to reduce carbon emissions both in their direct operations and in their supply chains. Secondly, climate change presents material risks to business operations e.g. through infrastructure damage from flooding, droughts and severe weather systems, which in turn introduces new challenges to a fragile and vulnerable enterprise system, in particular for the SMEs. Thus, it is critical for SMEs to both find ways to mitigate emissions, and to be prepared to deal with future climate impacts to increase resilience.  

Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) form the backbone of Asian economies, accounting for an average 97% of all enterprises, 69% of employment, and 41% of GDP in the ASEAN region (ADB, 20201). SMEs can pave the way for greening and adapting to climate change across economic sectors, including industry and manufacturing, agriculture, tourism and energy sectors. However, due to limitations in size, SMEs face larger challenges when it comes to the capacity to understand climate risks, sustainable and climate-resilient business investments and climate-proof their operations, including knowledge about technologies, strategies, policies and process to reduce carbon emissions.  

Thus, in building the capacity for climate action by the SMEs, there are four types of needs that can be addressed: i) understanding and incorporating climate risks into business operations; ii) tapping into financial opportunities which include understanding instruments and how to access dedicated funding; iii) practical measures to climate proof business and tap into new business opportunities  and iv) general understanding of the policy frameworks and their relevance, for example, NDCs, LTS, NAPs, etc. 

The workshop consists of presentations, panel discussions, and breakout sessions 


  1. To understand the challenges, capacity gaps and needs faced by the SMEs to engage more actively in climate action 
  2. To identify areas of actions and cooperation between development partners and other stakeholders to address these gaps and support SMEs and countries as regards engagement of SMEs in Climate Action 


  • UNFCCC and RCC Bangkok. 
  • ESCAP  
  • UNIDO  
  • UN Global Compact Network members 
  • Private sector enterprises  
  • SMEs and their networks 
  • Regional/National Chambers of Commerce 
  • Government representatives - national and local  
  • Inter-governmental agencies 
  • Academia and research institutions relevant to SMEs and private sector  


Building SME’s Climate Action capacities 

Breakout Session 1: Climate-risk informed strategies and investment plans by SMEs (UNFCCC)  

Breakout Session 2: Climate actions in the time of the pandemic – voice from the SMEs (UNIDO) 

Breakout Session 3: SME climate action in the ESCAP region (ESCAP)

  • What are the ongoing initiatives in the region to enhance the understanding of SMEs of key concepts of CC? 
  • Why should SMEs make climate risk informed decisions? 
  • How to come up with climate inclusive strategies for SMEs? 


  • How to balance sustainability and profitability? 
  • What does it mean to be sustainable in the long-run and within the context of COVID-19? 
  • What kind of support is available from networks or associations for SMEs in the region and how to access it? 
  • How to balance sustainability and profitability? 
  • What is meant by green finance? 
  • What are the initiatives or support programmes available in the region for SMEs? 

For questions and inquiries, please contact: 
