Implementing the UNFCCC budget 2020-2021

Virtual briefing on the implementation of the UNFCCC budget 2020-21 and the secretariat structure

Continuing the secretariat's ongoing efforts to enhance the transparency and clarity of the UNFCCC budget process, virtual briefing sessions, open to Parties and observer States, will be held to provide information on the implementation of the UNFCCC budget and secretariat structure, as follows:

November 2020 briefing:

The information below has been provided for Parties and observer States to access and submit questions they may have in advance of two live Q&A sessions (guidance on how Parties and observer State delegates can submit questions is included below). To accommodate differences in time zones, the two live Q&A sessions will cover/repeat the same information. Delegates can choose, at their convenience, which of the two sessions they will like to participate in:

  • 26 November: 16:00-18:00 CET
  • 27 November: 08:00-10:00 CET

Kindly access the information below which is being provided in advance of the live Q&A sessions. delegates from Party and observer States can follow the guidance below to submit any questions they have by the stated deadline (Tuesday, 24 November 2020).

  • Welcoming remarks by Ms. Patricia Espinosa, Executive Secretary of the UNFCCC

Part A: External audit report of 2019

  1. Statement by the UN Board of Auditors
  2. Overview of key findings in the 2019 external audit report by the UN Board of Auditors
  3. Comments by the UNFCCC secretariat

Part B: Budget and Structure

Section I: The implementation of the UNFCCC budget 2020-2021, including the status of contributions and implementation rate, as well as financial implications of COVID-19 on the secretariat's budget

UNFCCC Budget Presentation November 2020 - Section 1

Download the presentation video - Section I (Please right-click and save to your device)
Section II:

  1. Status of implementation of the secretariat structure
  2. Preliminary information on the 2022-23 budget

Download the presentation video - Section II (Please right-click and save to your device)

Download the full budget and structure presentation(PDF) for the November briefing.

Parties and observer State delegates can submit questions they may have relating to: 

  •  Part A (External audit report of 2019) of the material, specifying the section, page number, finding and Party they represent, to Ms Karin Klabunn at, with copy to
  • Part B (Budget and Structure) of the material, specifying the corresponding section of the presentation, slide number and Party they represent to
  • All questions should be submitted as per guidance above by Tuesday, 24 November 2020.

A compilation of questions from Parties and observer States and the corresponding responses provided by the secretariat and the UN Board of Auditors.

June 2020 Briefing sessions:

  • 24 June: 08:00-10:00 CEST
  • 25 June: 16:00-18:00 CEST

Please see below for information provided in advance of the June briefings:

  • Opening remarks by the Executive Secretary
Introductory remarks by Patricia Espinosa
Credit: UNFCCC


  • Introduction from the Deputy Executive Secretary
Introductory remarks by Ovais Sarmad
Credit: UNFCCC


  • Part I: Implementation of the UNFCCC budget 2020-2021
Credit: UNFCCC
Please note the following corrigendum: The amounts for Clean Development Mechanism and Joint Implementation are shown in USD. The correct amounts converted to EUR using the exchange rate as at 1 Jan 2020 are: CDM € 30.6m, JI € 1.1m and the total integrated budget in EUR is €172m
  • Part II: Implementation of the secretariat structure
Credit: UNFCCC
  • Part III: Status of contributions and financial impact of COVID-19
Credit: UNFCCC

To download the presentation as a PDF, please click here.

A compilation of questions received before and during the briefing sessions and the corresponding answers provided by the secretariat

A brief overview of secretariat structure, its divisions and subdivisions


Total integrated budget for the biennium 2020-2021, including requirements to be covered from voluntary contributions: EUR 172 million.



Note: The CDM and JI budget are approved in USD and converted to EUR using the exchange rate as at 1 Jan 2020.

In 2019, the appropriate legislative bodies approved key UNFCCC budgets for the biennium 2020-2021:

  • The Conference of the Parties (COP) adopted decision 17/CP.25 on the programme budget for the biennium 2020-2021 at its 25th session held in Madrid, Spain from 2 to 15 December 2019;
  • The Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol (CMP) adopted decision 6/CMP.15 and therein endorsed decision 17/CP.25 as it applies to the Kyoto Protocol;
  • The CMP also adopted decision 5/CMP.15 on the budget for the international transaction log (ITL) and a methodology for the collection of its fees for the biennium 2020–2021;
  • The Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Paris Agreement (CMA) endorsed decision 17/CP.25 at its second session (refer to CMA2 report, paragraph 69);
  • The Executive Board of the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM EB) adopted the CDM two-year business and management plan 2020–2021;
  • The Joint Implementation Supervisory Committee (JISC) adopted the Joint Implementation two-year management plan 2020–2021.

Supplementary requirements as well as requirements for the TF for Participation in the UNFCCC Process were taken note of at the COP in decision 17/CP.25. The secretariat depends on voluntary contributions to fund these requirements.

Further information

Work programme of the secretariat for the biennium 2020–2021: update as at 1 January 2020

Secretariat structure

Information about the review of the secretariat structure

Programme budget for the biennium 2020 – 2021. Proposal by the Executive Secretary

Proposed programme budget for the biennium 2020-2021. Note by the Executive Secretary. Addendum. Work programme for the secretariat for the biennium 2020-2021

Programme budget for the biennium 2020-2021. Proposal by the Executive Secretary. Addendum. Trust Fund for the International Transaction Log

Glossary of key budget terms
