Constituted Body meetings and events,
Climate Dialogues
Adaptation Committee: Achievements in 2020
01 Dec. 2020
17:30h - 19:00h
Virtual event
Adaptation & Loss and Damage
Constituted Body meetings and events,
Climate Dialogues
Adaptation Committee: Achievements in 2020
01 Dec. 2020
17:30h - 19:00h
Virtual event
Adaptation & Loss and Damage



This event will provide an overview of the AC’s work this year, including its flagship reports that are, or will be, published this year.

It will also present progress made on its work mandated by the CMA, including mandates geared towards the Global Stocktake.

The event will thus provide an opportunity for the AC to seek feedback and input from participants on its ongoing work, and the event will be conducted in two parts conducive to a constructive and interactive discussion on what has been achieved so far, and what Parties and other stakeholders can contribute to ensuring the work of the AC remains useful, accessible and relevant.

The event will conclude with a preview of what the AC will undertake next year.

Proposed programme



17:30 - 17:33 Welcome

Mr. Juan Hoffmaister, Moderator

Part 1 - Showcasing the AC's achievements in 2020
17:33 - 17:45 

Opening remarks and overview of the work of the AC in 2020

Ms. Cecilia da Silva Bernardo, AC Co-Chair

Ms. Alessandra Sggobi,      AC Co-Chair

17:45 - 18:00     

Introducing the AC’s 2020 flagship reports:

  • Data for adaptation at different spatial and temporal scales
  • Synthesis report on how developing countries are addressing hazards

Mr. Vladimir Kattsov, AC member

Ms. Funanani Muremi, AC member

Part 2 - Feedback on progress made on work mandated by the CMA
18:00 - 18:25

Feedback session on approaches to reviewing the overall progress made in achieving the global goal on adaptation


  • Which approaches do you consider valuable and realistic for reviewing overall progress made in achieving the global goal on adaptation?
  • What types of data and information would need to be collected to enable the review of progress made?

Mr. Juan Hoffmaister, Moderator

Ms. Mariam Allam, AC member

Interaction with the audience

18:25 - 18:55

Feedback session on methodologies for reviewing the adequacy and effectiveness of adaptation and support


  • Which methodologies do you consider valuable and realistic for reviewing the adequacy and effectiveness of adaptation and support?
  • What types of data and information would countries need to collect and report to enable the review of adequacy and effectiveness?

Mr. Juan Hoffmaister, Moderator

Ms. Navina Sánchez Ibrahim, AC member

Interaction with the audience

18:55 - 19:00

Outlook to 2021 and closing remarks

Ms. Alessandra Sggobi, AC Co-Chair

Ms. Cecilia da Silva Bernardo, AC Co-Chair