June Momentum for Climate Change
02 Jun 2020
Observer constituency events,
Subsidiary Body events
June Momentum: Briefing by the SB Chairs with observers


Virtual, Online


Virtual, Germany / Virtual


Virtual Germany

Time: 15:00 -16:30 CEST

Type: Open (Broadcast) and By invitation (to Constituency Focal Points)

Link to the recorded broadcast:


Briefing followed by Q&A from constituency focal points.

This meeting will be facilitated and chaired by the SBI Chair, Ms. Marianne Karlsen and the SBSTA Chair, Mr. Tosi Mpanu Mpanu.


The SB Chairs will provide information on their plan for SB 52. The Chairs would like to invite observer organizations to participate in this meeting and would like to hear views from the constituencies. After an initial briefing/presentation, the constituency focal points will then be given the floor to share their views and post questions to the Chairs on topics of their interest. All observer organizations will be able to follow the proceedings via online broadcast. The SB Chairs will facilitate this online meeting with observer organizations.


  • Opening Remarks by SB Chairs
  • Briefing by SBI Chair
  • Briefing by SBSTA Chair
  • Interactive Q&A from each Constituency


For further information or clarifications, please contact: cool@unfccc.int 

Santhosh Thanjavur Prakasam - Sthanjavurprakasam@unfccc.int




