Academy for Global Youth Leadership Empowerment (AGYLE)

The Need

While the concept of youth training focusing on climate-related matters is not new – in fact, several initiatives in the region are already involved in youth engagement – there exists an opportunity to learn from these initiatives and collaborate to create a platform upon which to bring together youth stakeholders in the UNFCCC process. In so doing, the project can leverage and strengthen youth connections while avoiding duplication of effort. The objective of this academy is to build upon and add value to existing youth engagement frameworks in the region to empower youth to participate in and promote the climate action agenda by engaging with the UNFCCC processes at the global, regional and inter-governmental levels.


AGYLE aims to develop and build upon existing capacity of youth from diverse stakeholder groups in the region by training academy participants through:

1. Explaining key elements of the Paris Agreement on Climate Change and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, and the role of climate action in the broader context of sustainable development.

2. Identifying and articulating the interrelations and interdependencies between the Paris Agreement on Climate Change and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in five critical dimensions of sustainable development: People, Planet, Prosperity, Peace and Partnership.

3. Identifying and articulating best practices to ensure coherence and mutual reinforcement between the Paris Agreement on Climate Change and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Academy for Global Youth Leadership Empowerment (AGYLE)

4. Explaining existing tools and instruments to mainstream sustainable development and climate action into national development policies and planning

Key Expected Outcomes

  • Youth from different stakeholder groups trained on key aspects of climate change.
  • Improve the support of youth to global climate action efforts.
  • The capacity of youth negotiators to participate in the UNFCCC process strengthened.
  • A series of training modules - in person and online, developed. These can be used to support activities for the implementation of the Paris Agreement.
  • A group of trainers and mentors established. These can act as a resource to be deployed by the academy and other institutions for capacity-building.

Get Involved

The project offers several opportunities for collaborative action. Interested stakeholders can contribute in several ways:

  • Support content development, including online courses
  • Support the hosting and management of the platform for online courses
  • Support the delivery of courses and other activities
  • Volunteer time to mentor selected participants

An innovative training approach in the region, AGYLE will offer a holistic training programme (face-to-face training, practical activities, mentoring, online trainings) to youth stakeholders, directly or indirectly engaged with the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) process, in the region and beyond, to empower youth on climate change and facilitate youth-led climate action.


While the concept of youth training focusing on climate-related matters is not new – in fact, several initiatives in the region are already involved in youth engagement – there exists an opportunity to learn from these initiatives and collaborate to create a platform upon which to bring together youth stakeholders in the UNFCCC process. In so doing, the project can leverage and strengthen youth connections while avoiding duplication of effort. The objective of this academy is to build upon and add value to existing youth engagement frameworks in the region to empower youth to participate in and promote the climate action agenda by engaging with the UNFCCC processes at the global, regional and inter-governmental levels.

AGYLE aims to develop and build upon existing capacity of youth from diverse stakeholder groups in the region by training academy participants through:

1. Explaining key elements of the Paris Agreement on Climate Change and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, and the role of climate action in the broader context of sustainable development.

2. Identifying and articulating the interrelations and interdependencies between the Paris Agreement on Climate Change and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in five critical dimensions of sustainable development: People, Planet, Prosperity, Peace and Partnership.

3. Identifying and articulating best practices to ensure coherence and mutual reinforcement between the Paris Agreement on Climate Change and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Academy for Global Youth Leadership Empowerment (AGYLE)

4. Explaining existing tools and instruments to mainstream sustainable development and climate action into national development policies and planning

  • Youth from different stakeholder groups trained on key aspects of climate change.
  • Improve the support of youth to global climate action efforts.
  • The capacity of youth negotiators to participate in the UNFCCC process strengthened.
  • A series of training modules - in person and online, developed. These can be used to support activities for the implementation of the Paris Agreement.
  • A group of trainers and mentors established. These can act as a resource to be deployed by the academy and other institutions for capacity-building.

The project offers several opportunities for collaborative action. Interested stakeholders can contribute in several ways:

  • Support content development, including online courses
  • Support the hosting and management of the platform for online courses
  • Support the delivery of courses and other activities
  • Volunteer time to mentor selected participants