COP 16 - Documents


Symbol Date Type Status Versions
Conference of the Parties (COP), Sixteenth session, 29 November to 10 December 2010, Cancun, Mexico
1. Opening of the session
2. Organizational matters
2. (a) Election of the President of the Conference of the Parties at its sixteenth session
2. (b) Adoption of the rules of procedure
  FCCC/CP/1996/2 22 May 1996 meeting papers Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Organizational matters: Adoption of the rules of procedure. Note by the secretariat.
2. (c) Adoption of the agenda
  FCCC/CP/2010/1 13 Sep 2010 agendas Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Provisional agenda and annotations. Note by the Executive Secretary.
  FCCC/CP/2010/1/Add.1; FCCC/KP/CMP/2010/1/Add.1 22 Nov 2010 agendas Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Provisional agenda and annotations. Note by the Executive Secretary. Addendum. Additional information on the arrangements for the session.
2. (d) Election of officers other than the President
2. (e) Admission of organizations as observers
  FCCC/CP/2010/4 30 Sep 2010 reports by the Secretariat Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Admission of observers: Organizations applying for admission as observers. Note by the secretariat.
2. (f) Organization of work, including the sessions of the subsidiary bodies
  FCCC/CP/2010/1 13 Sep 2010 agendas Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Provisional agenda and annotations. Note by the Executive Secretary.
  FCCC/CP/2010/1/Add.1; FCCC/KP/CMP/2010/1/Add.1 22 Nov 2010 agendas Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Provisional agenda and annotations. Note by the Executive Secretary. Addendum. Additional information on the arrangements for the session.
  FCCC/SBSTA/2010/7 7 Sep 2010 agendas Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Provisional agenda and annotations. Note by the Executive Secretary.
  FCCC/SBI/2010/11 7 Sep 2010 agendas Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Provisional agenda and annotations. Note by the Executive Secretary.
  FCCC/AWGLCA/2010/16 11 Nov 2010 agendas Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Provisional agenda and annotations. Note by the Executive Secretary.
2. (g) Dates and venues of future sessions
  FCCC/CP/2010/L.5 10 Dec 2010 draft conclusions Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Draft decision -/CP.16. Dates and venues of future sessions. Proposal by the President.
2. (h) Adoption of the report on credentials
  FCCC/CP/2010/6; FCCC/KP/CMP/2010/11 10 Dec 2010 meeting documents Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Report on credentials. Report of the Bureau.
3. Reports of the subsidiary bodies and decisions and conclusions arising therefrom
3. (a) Report of the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice
  FCCC/SBSTA/2010/6 28 Jul 2010 meeting reports Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Report of the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice on its thirty-second session, held in Bonn from 31 May to 10 June 2010.
3. (b) Report of the Subsidiary Body for Implementation
  FCCC/SBI/2010/10 25 Aug 2010 meeting reports Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Report of the Subsidiary Body for Implementation on its thirty-second session, held in Bonn from 31 May to 9 June 2010.
  FCCC/SBI/2010/10/Add.1 25 Aug 2010 meeting reports Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Report of the Subsidiary Body for Implementation on its thirty-second session, held in Bonn from 31 May to 9 June 2010. Addendum. Draft decision forwarded for adoption by the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol.
4. Report of the Ad Hoc Working Group on Long-term Cooperative Action under the Convention
  FCCC/AWGLCA/2009/17 5 Feb 2010 meeting reports Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Report of the Ad Hoc Working Group on Long-term Cooperative Action under the Convention on its eighth session, held in Copenhagen from 7 to 15 December 2009.
  FCCC/CP/2009/11 30 Mar 2010 meeting reports Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Report of the Conference of the Parties on its fifteenth session, held in Copenhagen from 7 to 19 December 2009. Part One: Proceedings.
  FCCC/CP/2009/11/Add.1 30 Mar 2010 meeting reports Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Report of the Conference of the Parties on its fifteenth session, held in Copenhagen from 7 to 19 December 2009. Addendum. Part Two: Action taken by the Conference of the Parties at its fifteenth session.
  FCCC/CP/2010/2 11 Feb 2010 meeting papers Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Work undertaken by the Conference of the Parties at its fifteenth session on the basis of the report of the Ad Hoc Working Group on Long-term Cooperative Action under the Convention.
  FCCC/AWGLCA/2010/3 26 Apr 2010 meeting reports Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Report of the Ad Hoc Working Group on Long-term Cooperative Action under the Convention on its ninth session, held in Bonn from 9 to 11 April 2010.
  FCCC/AWGLCA/2010/3/Corr.1 8 Jul 2010 meeting reports Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Report of the Ad Hoc Working Group on Long-term Cooperative Action under the Convention on its ninth session, held in Bonn from 9 to 11 April 2010. Corrigendum.
  FCCC/AWGLCA/2010/7 28 Jun 2010 meeting reports Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Report of the Ad Hoc Working Group on Long-term Cooperative Action under the Convention on its tenth session, held in Bonn from 1 to 11 June 2010.
  FCCC/AWGLCA/2010/11 26 Aug 2010 meeting reports Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Report of the Ad Hoc Working Group on Long-term Cooperative Action under the Convention on its eleventh session, held in Bonn from 2 to 6 August 2010.
  FCCC/AWGLCA/2010/15 9 Nov 2010 meeting reports Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Report of the Ad Hoc Working Group on Long-term Cooperative Action under the Convention on its twelfth session, held in Tianjin from 4 to 9 October 2010.
5. Consideration of proposals by Parties under Article 17 of the Convention
  FCCC/CP/2009/3 13 May 2009 meeting papers Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Draft protocol to the Convention prepared by the Government of Japan for adoption at the fifteenth session of the Conference of the Parties. Note by the secretariat .
  FCCC/CP/2009/4 5 Jun 2009 meeting papers Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Draft protocol to the Convention presented by the Government of Tuvalu under Article 17 of the Convention. Note by the secretariat.
  FCCC/CP/2009/5 6 Jun 2009 meeting papers Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Draft protocol to the Convention prepared by the Government of Australia for adoption at the fifteenth session of the Conference of the Parties. Note by the secretariat.
  FCCC/CP/2009/6 8 Jun 2009 meeting papers Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Draft protocol to the Convention prepared by the Government of Costa Rica to be adopted at the fifteenth session of the Conference of the Parties.
  FCCC/CP/2009/7 6 Jun 2009 meeting papers Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Draft implementing agreement under the Convention prepared by the Government of the United States of America for adoption at the fifteenth session of the Conference of the Parties. Note by the secretariat.
  FCCC/CP/2010/3 2 Jun 2010 meeting papers Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Proposed protocol to the Convention submitted by Grenada for adoption at the sixteenth session of the Conference of the Parties. Note by the secretariat.
6. Second review of the adequacy of Article 4, paragraph 2(a) and (b), of the Convention
7. Review of implementation of commitments and of other provisions of the Convention
7. (a) Financial mechanism of the Convention
7. (a) (i) Fourth review of the financial mechanism
7. (a) (ii) Report of the Global Environment Facility to the Conference of the Parties and guidance to the Global Environment Facility
  FCCC/CP/2010/5 20 Sep 2010 meeting papers Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Report of the Global Environment Facility to the Conference of the Parties. Note by the secretariat.
  FCCC/CP/2010/5/Add.1 2 Nov 2010 meeting papers Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Report of the Global Environment Facility to the Conference of the Parties. Note by the secretariat. Addendum.
  FCCC/CP/2010/L.2 8 Dec 2010 draft conclusions Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Draft decision -/CP.16. Additional guidance to the Global Environment Facility.
7. (a) (iii) Assessment of the Special Climate Change Fund
  FCCC/CP/2010/L.3 8 Dec 2010 draft conclusions Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Draft decision -/CP.16. Assessment of the Special Climate Change Fund.
7. (a) (iv) Least Developed Countries Fund
7. (b) National communications
7. (b) (i) National communications from Parties included in Annex I to the Convention
7. (b) (ii) National communications from Parties not included in Annex I to the Convention
7. (c) Development and transfer of technologies
7. (d) Capacity-building under the Convention
7. (e) Implementation of Article 4, paragraphs 8 and 9, of the Convention
7. (e) (i) Implementation of the Buenos Aires programme of work on adaptation and response measures (decision 1/CP.10)
7. (e) (ii) Matters relating to the least developed countries
7. (f) Article 6 of the Convention
7. (g) Other matters referred to the Conference of the Parties by the subsidiary bodies
8. Administrative, financial and institutional matters
8. (a) Audited financial statements for the biennium 2008-2009
8. (b) Budget performance for the biennium 2010-2011
9. High-level segment
10. Statements by observer organizations
11. Other matters
12. Conclusion of the session
12. (a) Adoption of the report of the Conference of the Parties on its sixteenth session
  FCCC/CP/2010/7 15 Mar 2011 meeting reports Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Report of the Conference of the Parties on its sixteenth session, held in Cancun from 29 November to 10 December 2010. Part one: Proceedings.
  FCCC/CP/2010/7/Corr.1 20 Apr 2011 meeting reports Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Report of the Conference of the Parties on its sixteenth session, held in Cancun from 29 November to 10 December 2010. Part One: Proceedings. Corrigendum.
  FCCC/CP/2010/7/Add.1 15 Mar 2011 meeting reports
resolutions and decisions
Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Report of the Conference of the Parties on its sixteenth session, held in Cancun from 29 November to 10 December 2010. Addendum. Part two: Action taken by the Conference of the Parties at its sixteenth session.
  FCCC/CP/2010/7/Add.2 15 Mar 2011 meeting reports
resolutions and decisions
Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Report of the Conference of the Parties on its sixteenth session, held in Cancun from 29 November to 10 December 2010. Addendum. Part two: Action taken by the Conference of the Parties at its sixteenth session.
  FCCC/CP/2010/L.1 9 Dec 2010 meeting papers Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Draft report of the Conference of the Parties on its sixteenth session. Rapporteur: Mr. Andrej Kranjc (Slovenia).
12. (b) Closure of the session.
  FCCC/CP/2010/L.4; FCCC/KP/CMP/2010/L.4 10 Dec 2010 draft conclusions Published EN SP FR CH AR RU
Expression of gratitude to the Government of the United Mexican States, the State of Quintana Roo and the people of the city of Cancun. Draft resolution submitted by South Africa.
  FCCC/2010/V/OD/1 29 Nov 2010 daily programmes Published EN
Daily programme for Monday, 29 November 2010 (COP16) (CMP6).
  FCCC/2010/V/OD/2 30 Nov 2010 daily programmes Published EN
Daily programme for Tuesday, 30 November 2010 (COP16) (CMP6).
  FCCC/2010/V/OD/3 1 Dec 2010 daily programmes Published EN
Daily programme for Wednesday, 1 December 2010 (COP16) (CMP6).
  FCCC/2010/V/OD/4 2 Dec 2010 daily programmes Published EN
Daily programme for Thursday, 2 December 2010 (COP16) (CMP6).
  FCCC/2010/V/OD/5 3 Dec 2010 daily programmes Published EN
Daily programme for Friday, 3 December 2010 (COP16) (CMP6).
  FCCC/2010/V/OD/6 4 Dec 2010 daily programmes Published EN
Daily programme for Saturday, 4 December 2010 (COP16) (CMP6).
  FCCC/2010/V/OD/7 5 Dec 2010 daily programmes Published EN
Daily programme for Sunday, 5 December 2010 (COP16) (CMP6).
  FCCC/2010/V/OD/8 6 Dec 2010 daily programmes Published EN
Daily programme for Monday, 6 December 2010 (COP16) (CMP6).
  FCCC/2010/V/OD/9 7 Dec 2010 daily programmes Published EN
Daily programme for Tuesday, 7 December 2010 (COP16) (CMP6).
  FCCC/2010/V/OD/9/Corr.1 7 Dec 2010 daily programmes Published EN
Daily programme for Tuesday, 7 December 2010 (COP16) (CMP6). Corrigendum.
  FCCC/2010/V/OD/10 8 Dec 2010 daily programmes Published EN
Daily programme for Wednesday, 8 December 2010 (COP16) (CMP6).
  FCCC/2010/V/OD/11 9 Dec 2010 daily programmes Published EN
Daily programme for Thursday, 9 December 2010 (COP16) (CMP6).
  FCCC/2010/V/OD/12 10 Dec 2010 daily programmes Published EN
Daily programme for Friday, 10 December 2010 (COP16) (CMP6).
  FCCC/CP/2010/INF.1 (Part 1) 10 Dec 2010 lists of participants Published EN SP FR
List of participants. Part one (COP16). Parties: Afghanistan - Myanmar.
  FCCC/CP/2010/INF.1 (Part 2) 10 Dec 2010 lists of participants Published EN SP FR
List of participants. Part two (COP16). Parties: Namibia - Zimbabwe. Observer States and entities having received a standing invitation to participate as observers in the sessions and the work of the General Assembly and maintaining permanent observer missions at Headquarters; United Nations Secretariat units and bodies; Specialized agencies and related organizations; Intergovernmental organizations.
  FCCC/CP/2010/INF.1 (Part 3) 10 Dec 2010 lists of participants Published EN SP FR
List of participants. Part three (COP16). Non-governmental organizations.