Compact of States and Regions - Subnational Initiatives Driving Climate Ambition
1 сентября 2015

Website: The Compact of States and Regions


The Compact of States and Regions is an initiative designed to provide a transparent, global picture of efforts to tackle climate change on the part of state and regional governments in a single, standardized account, thereby encouraging more governments to set goals and measure progress. 

Several leading state and regional governments have already committed to ambitious emission reduction targets, in some cases promising as much as an 80% reduction by 2050. This leadership can also inspire national governments to raise ambition.

The Compact of States and Regions was signed at the UN Climate Summit in New York in 2014 by influential state and regional government coalitions, The Climate Group States & Regions Alliance, nrg4SD, and R20, in partnership with CDP.

How to Join the Compact of States and Regions

To join the Compact, governments are required to make a public commitment to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and publicly report a standard set of greenhouse gas inventory data on an annual basis.

The Compact will provide an annual assessment of the commitments and progress toward those commitments by state and regional governments around the world to support international climate governance processes.

Data collected by the Compact will be provided to the NAZCA database and be included in an annual account of greenhouse gas reduction targets made by state and regional governments worldwide.

Photo credit: Bart Speelman (Flickr)