Training Programmes for the Review of Information submitted by Annex I Parties

Transparency is a key element of effective national and international climate action. Transparency covers reporting on efforts to reduce greenhouse gases as well as building resilience to the inevitable impacts of climate change and the means of implementation such as finance, technology transfer and capacity-building.

Qualified technical review experts nominated by countries are key to operate the transparency framework under the Convention. The training programme for new review experts, comprising both technical and skill-building courses, has been implemented since 2015 and is offered on-line.

To participate in a review process, experts must be nominated to the Roster of Experts by their national focal point on behalf of their government, complete the training programme and successfully pass examinations before they can be invited to participate in a review.



The secretariat has a mandate (Decision 15/CP.20) to implement the training programme for review experts for the technical review of biennial reports and national communications of Annex I Parties, including the examination of experts.

Review experts with relevant experience on biennial reports (BRs) and national communications (NCs) matters must complete the training programme and successfully pass examinations before they can be invited to participate in a review of national communications and/or biennial reports.

The training programme covers technical aspects of the review of BRs and NCs and covers specific requirements for their reviews. These courses and their corresponding exams are offered on-line and consist of the following four modules:

  • General and cross-cutting aspects of the review of national communications and biennial reports;
  • Targets and of policies and measures, their effects and their contribution to achieving those targets;
  • Greenhouse gas emissions, emission trends, projections and the total effect of policies and measures; and
  • Provision of financial support, technology transfer and capacity-building.

More information about this training programme is available here.

Prerequisite for the training

To register for the training, you need to:

  • be nominated to the UNFCCC Roster of Experts for the task: Review of biennial reports of developed country Parties and/or In-depth review of Annex I Party national communications.

The secretariat has a mandate (Decision 14/CP.20)  to implement the training programme for review experts for the technical review of GHG inventories of Annex I Parties reported under the Convention, this includes: examining experts, and organizing an annual training seminar for the basic course.

New review experts of GHG inventories with relevant GHG inventory experience, must complete the training programme and successfully pass examinations before they can be invited to participate in an GHG inventory review.

In selecting experts for the on-line courses, the secretariat gives priority to GHG inventory experts from Parties, in particular non-Annex I Parties, which do not have experts currently participating in the review process.

The mandatory basic course of the training programme covers technical aspects of the review of GHG inventories under the Convention. the course consists of six modules, including a general module and five modules of individual IPCC sectors. These courses offered on-line and consist of the following modules: 

  • Overview of UNFCCC reporting and review process and general IPCC inventory guidance;
  • Energy: (Fuel combustion, fugitive emissions from fuels, and CO2 transport, injection and geological storage);
  • Industrial processes and product use;
  • Agriculture;
  • Land use, land-use change and forestry (LULUCF); and
  • Waste.

In addition, the following optional courses are part of the training programme:

  • Review of complex models and higher tier methods, including, emission estimations performed using complex models and higher-tier methods (tier 3 methods); and
  • Improving communication and facilitating consensus in expert review teams, including, cross-cultural communication and conflict avoidance among experts.

More details and information on this training programme available here

Prerequisite for the training

To register for the training, you need to

  • be nominated to the UNFCCC Roster of Experts for the task: Technical review of GHG inventories and other annual information reported by Annex I Parties


The secretariat has a mandate (Decision 5/CMP.11) to update and implement the training courses for members of expert review teams (ERTs) participating in annual reviews under Article 8 of the Kyoto Protocol; to reflect changes arising from the implementation of decisions 2/CMP.7 to 4/CMP.7 and 1/CMP.8 and other relevant decisions of the CMP; and to ensure that the courses incorporate the rules and modalities applicable to the second commitment period under the Kyoto Protocol.

The courses of the training programme are intended to train members of ERTs for the review of supplementary information submitted under Article 8 of the Kyoto Protocol. These courses consist of the following modules:

  • National Systems;
  • Application of adjustments;
  • Modalities for the accounting of assigned amounts under Article 7.4;
  • Review of national registries and information on assigned amounts; and
  • Review of activities under Article 3, paragraphs 3 and 4 of the Kyoto Protocol.

More information about this training programme is available here.

Prerequisite for the training

To register for the training, you need to:

  • be nominated to the UNFCCC Roster of Experts for the task: Technical review of GHG inventories and other annual information reported by Annex I Parties
  • have successfully completed the basic course described above (with the exception of experienced reviewers). 