How to find the data needed within the GHG data interface

User requirement

Provided on the UNFCCC website?

Relevant web page

Overview of GHG emission trends in Annex I Parties

To get an overview of the latest GHG data for all Annex I Parties

Provided in the "Time series - Annex I" section of the UNFCCC GHG Data page; also available in a published UNFCCC document

Time series - Annex I

Document FCCC/SBI/2023/15

To see changes in GHG emissions for all Annex I Parties taken together, or for the major subgroups within Annex I (EIT and non-EIT Parties)

Provided in the "Flexible queries" section of the UNFCCC GHG Data page; also available in a published UNFCCC document

Flexible queries - Annex I

UNFCCC data on GHG emissions in individual Annex I and non-Annex I Parties

To view/download a GHG data profile for a given Annex I or non-Annex I Party, as well as for major Annex I subgroups

Provided in the "GHG profiles" section of the UNFCCC GHG Data page; a GHG profile contains changes in total national CO2 and GHG emissions in tabular and graphic formats. and also key data at sectoral and subsectoral levels

GHG profiles - Annex I

GHG profiles - Non-Annex I

To find detailed GHG data for a given Annex I or non-Annex I Party

Provided in the "Detailed data by Party" section of the UNFCCC GHG Data page; data are available not only for national totals but also for emissions/removals from individual categories

Detailed data by Party

To see comparisons of GHG data between two Parties and for any two years

Data are available in breakdowns either by sector/category or by greenhouse gas; the user can define the exact category of emissions to be displayed, as well as the type of greenhouse gas needed

Comparisons by gas

Comparisons by category

To get access to most detailed, flexible queries to the UNFCCC GHG database

Provided in the "Flexible queries" section of the UNFCCC GHG Data page

Flexible queries - Annex I

Flexible queries - Non-Annex I

To calculate user-defined ratios of two variables

Provided in the "User-defined indicators" section of the UNFCCC GHG Data page; data are available for emissions/removals from individual categories, as well as for country area, population and GDP

User-defined Indicators -
Annex I

User-defined Indicators -
Non-Annex I

To view key GHG data for Annex I Parties on a map

Provided in the "Global map - Annex I" section of the UNFCCC GHG Data page; GHG emissions/removals for major sector sectors/subsectors and changes in emissions/removals (from base year or 1990 to the latest available year) are available

Global map - Annex I

To view/download the original version of the latest inventory data as submitted by Parties

Provided in the "Data sources" section of the UNFCCC GHG Data page

Information on Data Sources

UNFCCC data under the Kyoto Protocol in individual Annex I Parties that are Parties to the Kyoto Protocol (for the first commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol)

To view emission levels in the base year under the Kyoto Protocol

Provided in the "Base year data" section of the UNFCCC GHG Data page

Base year data -
1st commitment period

Base year data -
2nd commitment period

To view/download annual compilation and accounting reports under the Kyoto Protocol

Provided in the "Compilation and accounting reports" section of the UNFCCC GHG Data page

Compilation and accounting reports (CP1)

Compilation and accounting reports (CP2)

To get access to emissions and accounting data under the Kyoto Protocol

Provided in the "Compilation and accounting data" section of the UNFCCC GHG Data page

Compilation and accounting data (CP1)

Compilation and accounting data (CP2)

UNFCCC data on activity data and implied emission factors

To access activity data and implied emission factors for individual Annex I and some non-Annex I Parties

Provided in the "Flexible queries" section of the UNFCCC GHG Data page


Flexible queries - Annex I

Flexible queries - Non-Annex I


GHG projections data

To access projections data for individual Annex I Parties

Provided in the "Flexible queries" section of the UNFCCC GHG Data page; data are available for 2020 and 2030 under the 'with measures', 'with additional measures' and 'without measures' scenarios

Biennial Report - Data Interface

Data on population, gross domestic product (GDP) and country area

To access population data for individual Annex I and non-Annex I Parties

Provided in the "Flexible queries" section of the UNFCCC GHG Data page

These data are provided by the Population Division, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, United Nations


Flexible queries - Annex I

Flexible queries - Non-Annex I


To access GDP data at market prices (constant 2005 USD) for individual Annex I and non-Annex I Parties

Provided in the "Flexible queries" section of the UNFCCC GHG Data page

These data are provided by the World Bank


Flexible queries - Annex I

Flexible queries - Non-Annex I


To access data on country area for individual Annex I and non-Annex I Parties

Provided in the "Flexible queries" section of the UNFCCC GHG Data page

These data were taken from the information provided by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations


Flexible queries - Annex I

Flexible queries - Non-Annex I


References to non-UNFCCC data sources

To find an estimate for global CO2 and GHG emissions, and/or estimates for the shares of Annex I and non-Annex I Parties in global emissions

The UNFCCC secretariat does not make estimates of global CO2 and GHG emissions, because the requirements for reporting GHG data are different for Annex I and non-Annex I Parties. For such data, other organizations can be consulted, see the links provided in the column to the right.

Data from the International Energy Agency (IEA)

Data from the Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center (CDIAC, US)

Data from the World Resources Institute (WRI, US)

Complete list of non-UNFCCC web sites with GHG data or data-related information

To look for non-UNFCCC sources of GHG data and related information

Provided in the "GHG data - non-UNFCCC" section of the UNFCCC GHG Data page

GHG data - non-UNFCCC
