Action for Climate Empowerment Guidelines

The Guidelines

"The Action for Climate Empowerment: Guidelines for accelerating solutions through education, training and public awareness", are intended to facilitate the work of National Focal Points to implement ACE activities in their countries. The guidelines provide a flexible, phased approach to the strategic and systematic implementation of ACE activities at the national level, driven by each country’s circumstances.

The guidelines were developed as a joint initiative between the UNFCCC and UNESCO. They were launched at the COP 22 in Marrakech, Morocco during the Education Day.

Benefits of developing a national ACE strategy

  • Offers countries the opportunity to take stock systematically of existing activities, identify gaps and prioritize actions, establish targets and milestones, and identify key indicators to track and measure progress.

  • Creates policy instruments and measures to ensure an integrated, coherent approach to implementing ACE.

  • Improves policy coherence and facilitates cross-sectoral collaboration for ACE action (the national level provides the overall guiding policy framework within sectoral and local government operate).

  • Provides avenues for financing due to ACE activities are duly aligned with national policy, including annual/multi-year budgets and planning.

Phases of developing a national ACE strategy

Steps of developing a national ACE strategy

Full publication of The Action for Climate Empowerment: Guidelines for accelerating solutions through education, training and public awareness
