Bureau of the COP, CMP, and CMA

What is the Bureau of the COP, CMP, and CMA?

The Bureau supports the COP, CMP and CMA through the provision of advice and guidance regarding the ongoing work under the Convention, the Kyoto Protocol, and the Paris Agreement, the organization of their sessions and the operation of the secretariat, especially at times when the COP, CMP, and CMA are not in session. The Bureau is elected from representatives of Parties nominated by each of the five United Nations regional groups and Small Island Developing States.

The Bureau is mainly responsible for questions of process management. It assists the President in the performance of his or her duties by providing advice and by helping with various tasks (e.g. members undertake consultations on behalf of the President). The Bureau is responsible for examining the credentials of Parties, reviewing the list of IGOs and NGOs seeking accreditation, and submitting a report thereon to the Conference.


Rule 22.1 of the draft Rules of Procedure (FCCC/CP/1996/2) of the Conference of the Parties being applied provides for a Bureau, comprised of a President, seven vice-presidents, the chairs of the subsidiary bodies established by Articles 9 and 10 of the Convention, and a rapporteur.

Traditionally, the Bureau is responsible for advising the President and taking decisions with regard to the overall management of the intergovernmental process. The Bureau has overall responsibility for questions of process. Bureau members often consult with their regional groups on issues. The Bureau is not a forum for political negotiations.

The Bureau is mainly responsible for questions of process management. It assists the President in the performance of his or her duties by providing advice and by helping with various tasks (e.g. members undertake consultations on behalf of the President). The Bureau is responsible for examining the credentials of Parties, reviewing the list of IGOs and NGOs seeking accreditation, and submitting a report thereon to the Conference.

The secretariat often seeks advice and guidance from the Bureau on relevant matters.

  • The Bureau of the COP, CMP, and CMA consists of 11 members comprising: the President, Vice-Presidents, the Chairs of the subsidiary bodies and the Rapporteur.
  • Each of the five regional groups is represented by two Bureau members, with one member from the Small Island Developing States (SIDS).
  • Members are elected for an initial term of one year and may serve for not more than two consecutive terms of one year. They remain in office until their successors are elected.
  • It is customary to invite a representative of the host country of the next COP to attend meetings of the Bureau if that Party is not already represented on the Bureau.

Meetings of the Bureau are convened by the President and are usually held:

  • On a regular basis during COPs;
  • Once during the sessions of the SBs, and
  • Between sessional periods as needed (typically once or twice per year).

The agendas for Bureau meetings are prepared by the Executive Secretary under the guidance of the President.
