Long-term climate finance events in 2018

2018 In-session Workshop on Long-term Climate Finance

Date and time: 7 May 2018 15:00–18:00 and 8 May 2018 15:00–18:00
Venue: Room Nairobi, WCCB, Bonn, Germany
Participation: Open to all Parties and observers attending the UNFCCC Climate Change Conference

Webcast (day 1)
Webcast (day 2)


In accordance with decision 7/CP.22, the in-session workshops on long-term climate finance (LTF) in 2017 and 2018 will, with a view to scaling up climate finance for mitigation and adaptation, focus on experiences and lessons learned from:

  1. Articulating and translating needs identified in country-driven processes into projects and programmes;
  2. Roles of policies and enabling environments for mitigation and adaptation finance;
  3. Facilitating enhanced access.


The main objective of the in-session workshops on long-term climate finance in 2017 and 2018 is to facilitate technical and action-oriented discussions on the topics stated above and generate, in the measure possible, concrete findings and conclusions to be considered by the COP. The outcomes will also inform the deliberations at the High-level Ministerial Dialogue on Climate Finance at the COP in 2018, which will be organized by the COP Presidency.


Summary report by the secretariat


Programme (final version)

15:00 – 15:10

Opening of the workshop
Mr. Stefan Schwager (Switzerland)
Ambassador Janine Felson (Belize)

Opening Remarks
H.E. Frank Bainimarama, President of COP 23
Ms. Patricia Espinosa, Executive Secretary of the UNFCCC secretariat


15:10 – 15:20

Presentation by the secretariat
To set the scene, secretariat will present (i) findings on enhancing access from the 2017 LTF workshop and (ii) insights gathered on facilitating enhanced access from the various outreach activities undertaken by the secretariat.
Presentation slides

15:20 – 16:30

Panel discussion
The panel will be invited to reflect on the relevant findings of the 2017 LTF workshop and share any relevant developments and experiences in their respective areas of work and identify good practices and remaining challenges in accessing climate finance.

Followed by a short plenary Q&A session

16:30 – 17:30

Breakout group discussion
During the breakout group discussion, participants will be invited:

  • To share challenges and gaps in accessing climate finance, considering the relevant key messages identified during the 2017 LTF workshop;
  • To share information on the initiatives and efforts made by institutions, countries and other stakeholders in facilitating enhanced access to climate finance, including insights and lessons learnt;
  • To explore ways to link the initiatives and efforts to resolve the challenges and gaps, as identified above.

Discussion leaders:
Ms. Carolina Fuentes, Green Climate Fund secretariat (Group 1)
Mr. Tosi Mpanu Mpanu, Democratic Republic of Congo (Group 2)
Ms. Paula Caballero, World Resources Institute (Group 3)
Mr. Ismo Ulvila, European Union (Group 4)

17:30 – 17:45

Report back from the breakout groups
Discussion leaders will round up the main discussion points from the interactive group discussions and will report to the plenary.
Group 1 report
Group 2 report
Group 3 report
Group 4 report

17:45 – 18:00

Closure of Part I


15:00 – 15:10

Opening of the workshop – Part II

15:10 – 15:20

Presentation by the secretariat
To set the scene, secretariat will present (i) findings on articulating and translating needs into projects and programmes from the 2017 LTF workshop report and (ii) insights gathered from the various outreach activities undertaken by the secretariat. Please see Annex I for details.
Presentation slides

15:20 – 16:30

Panel discussion
The panel will be invited to reflect on the relevant findings of the 2017 LTF workshop and share any relevant developments and experiences in their respective areas of work and identify good practices and remaining challenges.

Followed by a short plenary Q&A session

16:30 – 17:30

Breakout group discussion
During the breakout group discussion, participants will be invited:

  • To share challenges and gaps in articulating and translating needs into projects and programmes, considering the relevant key messages identified during the 2017 LTF workshop;
  • To share information on the initiatives and efforts made by institutions, countries and other stakeholders to articulate and translate the needs into projects and programmes, including insights and lessons learnt;
  • To explore ways to link the initiatives and efforts to resolve the challenges and gaps, as identified above.

Discussion leaders:
Ms. Milena Gonzalez-Vasquez, Global Environment Facility secretariat
Mr. Kamal Djemouai, Advisor to the African Group
Mr. Antwi-Boasiako Amoah, Ghana
Mr. Espen Ronneberg, Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme

17:30 – 17:45

Report back from the breakout groups
Discussion leaders will round up the main discussion points from the interactive group discussions and will report to the plenary.
Group 1 report
Group 2 report
Group 3 report
Group 4 report

17:45 – 18:00

Closure of Part II
