Constituted Body meetings and events
21st meeting of the Executive Committee of the Warsaw International Mechanism for Loss and Damage
11 - 13 Sep. 2024
Bonn, Germany
Lower Conference (UN campus)
Adaptation & Loss and Damage
Constituted Body meetings and events
21st meeting of the Executive Committee of the Warsaw International Mechanism for Loss and Damage
11 - 13 Sep. 2024
Bonn, Germany
Lower Conference (UN campus)
Adaptation & Loss and Damage


Agenda item 1: Opening of the meeting
Agenda item 2: Adoption of agenda
Agenda item 3: Organizational matters
Agenda item 4: Preparation of voluntary guidelines for enhancing collection and management of data and information to inform the preparation of biennial transparency reports
Agenda item 5: How the latest climate science can inform policy-making relevant to averting, minimizing, and addressing loss and damage
Agenda item 6: Work related to strategic workstream (a) on slow onset events
Agenda item 7: Work related to strategic workstream (b) on non-economic losses
Agenda item 8: Work related to strategic workstream (c) on comprehensive risk management approaches
Agenda item 9: Work related to strategic workstream (d) on human mobility
Agenda item 10: Work related to strategic workstream (e) on action and support
Agenda item 11: Cross-cutting activities of the second five-year rolling workplan

(a) 2024 annual outreach event and COP 29 side event

(b) Update on the evaluation of progress in implementing the second five-year roll

(c) Other activities

Agenda item 12: Collaboration with the Advisory Board of the Santiago network
Agenda item 13: Collaboration with the entities that form the funding arrangements, including the funding arrangement
Agenda item 14: Recommendations to be included in the 2024 ExCom annual report
Agenda item 15: Any other business
Agenda item 16: Closing of the meeting