Constituted Body meetings and events
12th meeting of the Executive Committee of the Warsaw International Mechanism for Loss and Damage (WIM)
12 - 16 Oct. 2020
09:00h - 21:00h
Virtual event
Virtual meeting
Adaptation & Loss and Damage
UNFCCC. Secretariat
Constituted Body meetings and events
12th meeting of the Executive Committee of the Warsaw International Mechanism for Loss and Damage (WIM)
12 - 16 Oct. 2020
09:00h - 21:00h
Virtual event
Virtual meeting
Adaptation & Loss and Damage
UNFCCC. Secretariat

Time: 12:00-14:00 CEST

Indicative schedule of work (as at 9 October 2020)

The virtual meeting link will be provided daily to the registered observers.

Note: The virtual working mode can pose challenges in connections for any part of the world. Should you lose the meeting connection, please reconnect and we will do our best to admit you back into the meeting as quickly as possible. You may also send an email to the secretariat team supporting the meeting in case you experience unusually long delays in being admitted back, in case the automated notification of persons in the waiting room is not working as expected.

Please also note that a recording of the meeting is available on-demand afterwards. Thanks for your cooperation and understanding.

Relevant documentation

Summary of Decision Points

Agenda item 2: Adoption of the agenda

Provisional agenda and annotation

Agenda item 3 : Launching of the expert groups on slow onset events, non-economic losses,1 and an expert group pursuant to decision 2/CP.19, paragraph 5(c)

Presentation to introduce the agenda item

Excom members of the expert groups

Agenda item 4: Development of technical guides

Presentation to introduce the agenda item

Background paper

Agenda item 5: The role and contribution of the Excom in the global stocktake as contained in decision 19/CMA.1

Presentation to introduce the agenda item

Co-Chairs notes

Agenda item 7 (a) : A summary of the Excom’s 2020 evaluation

Presentation to introduce the agenda item

Background paper

Agenda item 7 (b) : Fostering public education and awareness-raising efforts at the regional, national and local level, including efforts with a capacity-building component

Presentation to introduce the agenda item

Background paper

Agenda item 7 (c) : Modalities for fostering the sharing of relevant knowledge and experience among practitioners and vulnerable countries in an interactive and practical manner

Presentation to introduce the agenda item

Background paper

Agenda item 7 (e) : Opportunities and modalities to engage regional and national level stakeholders, including the UNFCCC National Focal Points and Loss and Damage Contact Points

Presentation to introduce the agenda item

Background paper

Agenda item 9 : Organization of intersessional work

Presentation to introduce the agenda item


Video recordings (Excom12)

 Day 1 - Monday, 12 October 2020

 Day 3 - Wednesday, 14 October 2020

 Day 4 - Thursday, 15 October 2020

 Day 5 - Friday, 16 October 2020