Constituted Body meetings and events
7th Meeting of the Excom of the WIM for L&D associated with Climate Changes Impacts
13 - 16 Mar. 2018
Bonn, Germany
AH LOWER Conference Room, UN-Campus Bonn
UN-Campus Bonn
Constituted Body meetings and events
7th Meeting of the Excom of the WIM for L&D associated with Climate Changes Impacts
13 - 16 Mar. 2018
Bonn, Germany
AH LOWER Conference Room, UN-Campus Bonn
UN-Campus Bonn

Provisional Agenda and annotations

Summary of decisions                     

Reference documentation for, presentations at and links related directly to the seventh meeting of the Executive Committee of the Warsaw International Mechanism for Loss and Damage associated with Climate Change Impacts

Agenda item


4. Report from the Task Force on Displacement

5. Intersessional work related to slow onset events

6. Collaboration between the Executive Committee of the Warsaw International Mechanism on Loss and Damage and the Technology Executive Committee

7. Establishment of expert groups of the Executive Committee
8. Communication Strategy, including engagement with the IPCC
  • Draft report from working group 1 on the communication strategy (15 March)
9. Emerging needs and cross-cutting issues
  • Submissions on the type and nature of actions to address loss and damage for which finance may be required
  • Synthesis paper part I: Views on the type and nature of actions to address loss and damage for which finance may be required
  • Synthesis paper part II: Views on the Suva expert dialogue, the technical paper and ways to mobilize additional resources
  • Reference document

Posters displayed at Excom 7

Poster on the Fiji Clearing House for Risk Transfer

Poster on the mandate of the Suva expert dialogue and range of topic areas

Poster on key climate change impacts and risks reported in nationally determined contributions and national communications

Poster providing an overview of the scope of work on slow onset events

Poster on the Task Force on Displacement

On-demand audio recording of the plenary proceedings

Note: Audio files have been tested on Windows compatible applications using Internet Explorer.
Day 1, Tuesday 13 March 2018
Afternoon Part 1

1. Opening of the meeting

2. Adaption of the agenda

3. Organizational matters

    (a) Election of officers

    (b) Organization of work

    (c) Designation of liaison members

9. Emerging needs and crosscutting issues (Suva expert dialogue, para 9 of 5/CP.23)

Day 2,  Wednesday 14 March 2018
Morning Part 1 Part 2

9. Emerging needs and cross cutting issues (Suva expert dialogue, para 9 of 5/CP.23)

    -Joint considerations with the SBI Chair

5. Intersessional work related to slow onset events (SOEs)

8. Communication strategy, including engagement with IPCC

9. Emerging needs and cross cutting issues (para 18 and 20 of 5/CP.23)

Afternoon Part 1

7. Establishment of expert groups of the Executive Committee:

    (a) Technical expert panel/group on SOEs

    (b) Expert group on non-economic losses (NELs)

    (c) Technical expert group on comprehensive risk management (CRM)

Day 3, Thursday 15 March 2018
Morning Part 1 Part 2

Report back from the groups:

    - Working group 1: Suva expert dialogue

    - Working group 2: Terms of reference

    - Working group 3: Excom/ TEC joint work

9. Emerging needs and crosscutting issues (para 6 and 19 of 5/CP.23 and any other issues)

7. Establishment of expert groups of the Executive Committee:

    (a) Technical expert panel/ group on SOEs

    (b) Expert group on NELs

    (c) Technical expert group on CRM

6. Collaboration with TEC

 Afternoon Part 1 Part 2

Open discussion in relation to:

    - Suva Expert dialogue

    - Collaboration with TEC

Day 4, Friday 16 March 2018
Morning Part 1 Part 2

6. Collaboration with the TEC

    - Joint discussion with the TEC

Decision-making on Item 6

4. Report from the TFD

 Afternoon Part 1 Part 2

Decision-making on  Item 8

Decision-making on Item 9

10. Organization of Intersessional work

11. Any other matters

12. Closure of meeting


Notifications for:

also available here.