Budget preparation process for the biennium 2022-2023


The secretariat has launched work on the preparation of the programme budget for the 2022–2023 biennium and pursuant to decision 17/CP.25, paragraph 3, is engaging with Parties early on in the process. This process is guided by the following overall objectives that will be undertaken by the secretariat in the 2022-2023 biennium: 


1.  Facilitate intergovernmental engagement by providing effective organizational, process, technical and substantive support to:

         a)  Ongoing intergovernmental oversight of established processes and negotiation of new, revised or enhanced processes, as appropriate (Intergovernmental Engagement)

         b)  Operating established processes arising from the decisions of the COP, the CMP and the CMA (Intergovernmental Processes)

2.  Enable constituted bodies to fulfil their mandates (Constituted Bodies)

3.  Manage a trusted repository of data and information (Data and Information Management)

4.  Facilitate engagement in the UNFCCC process in order to promote action towards the achievement of the objectives and goals of the Convention, the Kyoto Protocol and the Paris Agreement (Enhance Engagement)

5.  Oversee and manage the secretariat effectively (Oversight and Management)

The 2022-2023 budget has been formulated to provide predictable and adequate resources to allow the secretariat to respond to the mandates and expectations of Parties in a balanced manner. Similar to the 2020–2021 budget methodology, the 2022–2023 budget is developed from the ground up through a comprehensive and participatory secretariat-wide effort that commenced in October 2020. Each division took stock of its specific mandates, functions and activities and assessed opportunities for any further efficiency gains following the structure review. The divisional budget proposal underwent a rigorous multistep peer-review to ensure the integrity of the proposal and to avoid duplications and redundancies. The secretariat’s structure implemented in 2020-2021 was critically reviewed and continues to be considered fit-for-purpose.

The climate emergency, realities imposed on us by the current pandemic, as well as the lessons we have learned to date, informed the work on the preparation of the budget for the next biennium

Below is a tentative timeline for the 2022-2023 budget process:

The virtual briefing was held in March 2021 as follows:

  • 5 March: Circulation of a notification to Parties and observer States announcing the briefing, including a detailed schedule for it
  • 17 March:
  • 24 (16-18:00 CET) and 25 (08-10:00 CET) March: Live Q&A sessions to provide responses to questions received. The two live sessions will aim to cover the same information and are organized to cater for differences in time zones.

Kindly find below the briefing material relating to the March 2021 briefing:

  • Welcoming remarks by the Executive Secretary

  • Introductory remarks on the proposed programme budget for the biennium 2022–2023 by the Deputy Executive Secretary

  • A presentation on the proposed programme budget for the biennium 2022–2023

Download the full presentation on the programme budget for the biennium 2022–2023 (PDF) for this briefing.

Parties and observer States were encouraged to submit any questions they may have and to attend live Q&A sessions on 24 (16-18:00 CET) and 25 (08-10:00 CET) March, during which the secretariat provided responses to the questions.

A compilation of the questions received and the corresponding responses provided by the secretariat is available here

